Generational Cultures An Introduction
rituals jokes written rules Conscious myths clothing Subconscious symbols valuesunwritten rules time perception assumptions word meaningstruth
Dimensions of Culture
Material Culture Artifacts
Material Culture Artifacts Spatial Arrangements
Behavioral Culture Rules
Behavioral Culture Rules Slang/Jargon Get ‘R Done Groovy Wazzup? imho 10-4, Good Buddy bling Grand Silence
Behavioral Culture Rules Slang/Jargon Rituals
Values Desirable Personal Characteristics Desirable Outcomes Emotional Connotations
Cognitive Culture Truth
Cognitive Culture Truth Time
Cognitive Culture Truth Time Human Nature
Cognitive Culture Truth Time Human Nature Cause and Effect
Cognitive Culture Truth Time Human Nature Cause and Effect Shared Meanings
Cultural Differences From country to country From ethnic group to ethnic group From one socio-economic class to another Between “straights” and “gays” Between men and women
Cultural Differences From country to country From ethnic group to ethnic group From one socio-economic class to another Between “straights” and “gays” Between men and women Between generations
The Roots of Generational Cultures
Pre-birth “Experiences”
Crystallizing Events
Yes, Virginia There IS a Generation Gap!
“All later experiences thus tend to receive their meaning from this original set, whether they appear as its verification and fulfillment or its negation and antithesis… Any two generations following one another always fight different opponents, both within and without. While the older people may still be fighting one battle, in such a fashion that all their feelings and efforts and even their concepts and categories of thought are determined by that adversary, for the younger people, this adversary may be simply non-existent: their primary orientation is an entirely different one.” (Karl Mannheim)
Generations in Religious Life
Generational Cultures In the United States
The Greatest Generation:
The Silent Generation
The Baby Boomers
Generation X
The Next Generation 1996-???
The Gift of Generations “It is important that people of different generations speak to one another, or everyone loses out.”