Time with our children
B – Best I – Instructions B – Before L – Leaving E - Earth
Test Your Bible Knowledge
How many years did it take to write the Bible? 50 years 50 days 150 days 1500 years
What book has sold more copies than any other book in the world? Harry Potter The Guinness Book of Records The Dictionary The Bible
What book is sold in more languages than any other? Harry Potter The Guinness Book of Records The Dictionary The Bible
Bible comes from the word “biblio” this means….. ? Holy God Important Books
How many books are in the Bible? There are 39 books in the old testament and 27 in the new testament.
What makes the Bible so amazing, special and important? The Bible is the only book in the world that is written by: over 40 authors... from 3 different continents: Asia, Africa and Europe in many different places: wilderness, prison, travelling who did different kinds of jobs: fishermen, kings, shepherds, doctors, tax collector, prophets and more….