Equation solvers Matlab Free versions / open source codes: –Scilab MathCad: Mathematica: LabView: EES: Modelica: ….
Open Studio Lab Class This Thursday 4 pm Computer lab ECJ Instructor: Wesley Cole
Lecture Objectives: Building-System-Plant connection
Building-System-Plant Plant (boiler and/or Chiller) Building HVAC System (AHU and distribution systems)
Building HVAC Systems (Primary and Secondary Building Systems) AHU Building envelope Cooling (chiller) (or Gas) Electricity Gas Heating (boilers) Fresh air For ventilation Distribution systems Air transport Secondary systems Primary systems AHU – Air Handling Unit HVAC systems affect the energy efficiency of the building as much as the building envelope
Air-conditioning in Air Handling Unit (AHU) Compressor and Condenser Roof top AHU Gas/Electric Heater to building Fan air from building fresh air Evaporator filter mixing hot water cool water Return fan Supply fan flow control dampers AHU Fresh air AHU schematic Outdoor air To room ExhaustFrom room
Processes in AHU presented in Psychrometric in psychrometric OA Case for Summer in Austin IA MA SA
Refrigeration Cycle T outdoor air T cooled water Cooling energy (evaporator) Released energy (condenser) - What is COP? - How the outdoor air temperature affects chiller performance?
Integration of HVAC and building physics models Building Heating/Cooling System Plant Building Heating/Cooling System Plant Load System Plant model Integrated models Q buiolding Q including Ventilation and Dehumidification
Example of System Models: Schematic of simple air handling unit (AHU) m - mass flow rate [kg/s], T – temperature [C], w [kg moist /kg dry air ], r - recirculation rate [-], Q energy/time [W] Mixing box
Energy and mass balance equations for Air handling unit model – steady state case m S is the supply air mass flow rate c p - specific capacity for air, T R is the room temperature, T S is the supply air temperature. w R and w S are room and supply humidity ratio - energy for phase change of water into vapor The energy balance for the room is given as: The air-humidity balance for room is given as: The energy balance for the mixing box is: ‘r’ is the re-circulated air portion, T O is the outdoor air temperature, T M is the temperature of the air after the mixing box. The air-humidity balance for the mixing box is: w O is the outdoor air humidity ratio and w M is the humidity ratio after the mixing box The energy balance for the heating coil is given as: The energy balance for the cooling coil is given as:
Non-air system Radiant panel heat transfer model
The total cooling/heating load in the room The energy extracted/added by air system The energy extracted/added by the radiant panel: T he radiant panel energy is: The energy extracted/added by the radiant panel is the sum of the radiative and convective parts: