No precise legal meaning for “family” Different interpretations for zoning, insurance, Social Security, inheritance, etc Class definition:
1900: 5.7 persons 2000: 2.59 persons2010: ?? 1900: 90%+ women didn’t work 2000: 73% married women work
American government based on “family model” Laws support traditional families (tax benefits) Persons in FamilyPoverty Guideline 1$10,830 2$14,570 3$18,310 4$22,050 5$25,790 6$29,530 7$33,270
Retirement: Retirees may receive a monthly check after 65yrs old. Spouse and children also eligible Disability: Long term benefits for worker and spouse/children Survivor: Families receive payments if worker dies
Temporary Assistance to Needy Families After 2 years, recipients of aid must work at least 20 hrs/week Recipients get $ for childcare Minor parents must continue education Stricter child-support payment enforcement
Earned Income Credit: Offsets costs to families with children- encourages work Child tax credit: deduction for each child; credit for childcare expenses Housing Assistance: deductions for mortgage interest and 1 st -time buyers programs
Head Start programs Increase school-readiness of kids in low-income families Services for pregnant women and families
1993: gives 12 weeks of unpaid leave during any 12-month period Give birth to a child and care for it Adopt or foster a child Care for spouse, child, parent with serious condition Own serious health condition
2000: 38 million Americans (including 2.5 million children) didn’t have health insurance Medicare: federal insurance program for 65+yrs old. Medicaid: provides medical care to poor and disabled SCHIP: provides health insurance to children in families under 200% of poverty level
Poverty results from a lack of responsibility and an unwillingness to work. A large portion of tax dollars supports welfare recipients. The majority of welfare recipients are African American females. People on welfare often become permanently dependent on government support Welfare recipients use government benefits to fund extravagance.
Any private university whose students receive federal student loans may not discriminate on the basis of race. Government-issued food stamps may not be used to purchase alcohol or tobacco Any person receiving welfare entitlements must obtain government permission before purchasing a nonessential appliance, such as a television. Recipients of unemployment benefits must demonstrate reasonable attempts and willingness to find a job. Medicaid recipients may not use government funds for an abortion even though abortion is legal. A person receiving any form of government assistance may not criticize the government.