1 Assessments of the Environment in the European Quality of Life Perception Surveys Klaus Trutzel German KOSIS Association Urban Audit c/o Bureau for Statistics and Urban Research of the Cities of Nuremberg and Fuerth IAOS-SCORUS Conference in Santiago, Chile, October 2010
2 Assessments of the Environment in the European Quality of Life Perception Surveys Content The European Urban Audit and the perception survey – complementary measurements of the quality of life in European cities Methodology of the perception surveys Environment - a major category of the quality of life in Europe’s cities Comparisons – the main task of the perception surveys - comparisons between cities - comparisons in time - comparisons of subjective and objective assessments Conclusions
3 Assessments of the Environment in the European Quality of Life Perception Surveys The European Urban Audit and the perception survey – complementary measurements of the quality of life in European cities The European Union‘s regional policy is focusing on the cities as centres of communication, innovation and economic progress as well as places where social, cultural and environmental problems concentrate. In 2000, the EU Commission started the Urban Audit to gain a reliable statistical basis for its cohesion policy which aims at reducing inter-city and inner-city disparities. The 300 Urban Audit indicators now describe the quality of life in more than 600 European cities between Iceland and Turkey in a statistically comparable way. Objective statistical measurement has been complemented, since 2004, by measurements of citizens’ subjective perception of their quality of life. The combination of both helps politicians at all levels of government to decide on the relevance and priorities of intended improvements. Environmental aspects play an important role in sustainable development and in people’s perception of their quality of life.
4 Assessments of the Environment in the European Quality of Life Perception Surveys Environment - a major category of the quality of life in Europe’s cities “Cities and towns determine Europe's quality of life” (Statement in the EU Environment Agency’s publication “Ensuring quality of life in Europe's cities and towns”, EEA Report No 5/2009) Cities report regularly to the EU Environment Agency on air quality and other environmentally relevant local indicators, which are also part of the Urban Audit. The perception survey adds the citizens’ subjective assessments to the objective measurements. Regarding the environment, respondents were asked, (1) if they were very satisfied, rather …, not very …or not at all satisfied with “public transport in the city” and with ”green spaces (parks, gardens)” (2) if they strongly agree ….strongly disagree with the following statements - air pollution is a big problem - noise is a big problem - the city is committed to the fight against climate change (e.g; reducing energy consumption in housing or promoting alternatives to transport by car) - this city is a clean city
5 Methodology of the perception surveys Assessments of the Environment in the European Quality of Life Perception Surveys The sample survey is to be representative for each individual city. The EU survey covers 75 selected cities. In each city, > 500 telephone interviews were conducted, thus producing independent samples. 20 German cities conducted – at their own expense - a “coordinated perception survey” applying the same questionnaire and the same methodology. Based on an agreement with the EU Commission, the micro-data were shared for combined evaluations, making also selections possible, e.g.by age groups.
6 Assessments of the Environment in the European Quality of Life Perception Surveys EU Commission: DG Regional Policy EU Perception Surveys 2006 and 2009: 75 Participating cities
7 Assessments of the Environment in the European Quality of Life Perception Surveys Konstanz Essen
8 Assessments of the Environment in the European Quality of Life Perception Surveys Comparisons – the main task of the perception surveys Like the Urban Audit, the perception surveys on the quality of life are designed to support comparisons, mainly between the cities. Politicians take people’s opinion as serious as so-called objective measurements. They want to compare in order to understand the situation, set priorities and check results. The EU surveys and the German surveys (now also the Finnish surveys) are therefore based on the same questions and methodology. Three types of comparisons are presented here: Comparisons between cities – supporting mutual learning Comparisons in time – drawing attention to improving and worsening situations Comparisons between subjective and objective assessments – helping to judge the relevance of the findings
9 Assessments of the Environment in the European Quality of Life Perception Surveys Source: European Commission, Directorate General Regional Policy: Survey on perceptions of quality of life in 75 European cities, Brussels, March 2010 Comparison between cities – for one environmental category
10 Assessments of the Environment in the European Quality of Life Perception Surveys EU perception survey on the quality of life, 2009 Environmental city profiles in comparison
11 Assessments of the Environment in the European Quality of Life Perception Surveys Correlation between environmental categories Groups of cities with similar environmental problems Problems with air pollution and noise are felt most in cities in Eastern Europe and on the Mediterranean. Cities in Central Europe and in the Nordic Countries have invested substantially in improvements of the environment over the last decades so that – on average – their citizens don’t perceive air quality and noise as great problems. European cities 2009 Correlation coefficient:rxy= 0.867
12 Assessments of the Environment in the European Quality of Life Perception Surveys Comparing demographic groups Women are more aware of air pollution than men. Young people are least troubled by noise. Young people and seniors are the most satisfied with public transport.
13 Assessments of the Environment in the European Quality of Life Perception Surveys Diff Comparison in time Positive changes in the citizens’ assessment may indicate positive effects of political actions. Negative changes may be caused by a worsening of the real situation or by greater public awareness. Both are important findings for local politics. Results of the perceptions surveys 2006 and 2009 of the European Commission
14 Assessments of the Environment in the European Quality of Life Perception Surveys Subjective and objective assessments don’t always match r = 0.47 Sources: EU perception survey of the quality of life in 2006 and Urban Audit with data from 2004
15 Assessments of the Environment in the European Quality of Life Perception Surveys Conclusions Measuring people’s subjective assessment of their quality of life by perception surveys is an important complement to the objective measurements provided by the Urban Audit and is highly appreciated by politicians. It supports comparisons between cities informing on the relative local situation thus helping to decide on necessary improvements. Repeated surveys can show, where measures taken in the past have been successful and where the situation has worsened in the citizens’ perception. Comparisons of objective and subjective assessments promote the under- standing of causes and effects and help to decide on the most promising policies. The surveys, as well as the objective measurements, reveal great differences even within one country. They must therefore be designed to show these local disparities in order to support targeted local actions. Different local situations require different actions. EU and national development policies focus more and more on the cities encouraging local actors to design targeted local policies. Comparable information enhances understanding for the specific needs and facilitates mutual learning. A new little project supports the development of comparable local surveys and is intended to strengthen city networks (cf.
16 Assessments of the Environment in the European Quality of Life Perception Surveys Thank you for your attention ! Survey results and other Urban Audit information: en.htm; also available in Spanish. pdf/urban/stateofcities_2007.pdf