Report from E-banking for visually impaired people course This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Aim of the project Utilitia has been chosen to become the partner of the project Second Chance Model: ICT for Disabled Adults in Long Life Learning Programme. It’s aim is to enhance professional competence and social people with disabilities using ICT tools. One of these is e-learning. We created e-learning platform in order to help visually impaired people successfully pass the course. On this platform we published track about e-banking.
The whole course consisted of six units. At the beginning participants were informed generally about e-banking and individual units.
Introduction – Unit 1 In lesson one our participants were obliged to carefully read the definition about e-banking as long as advantages and disadvantages of taking such a step. In the end, there was a task in which they had to match phrases into pairs.
Basic transfer – Unit 2 In lesson two our contestants were asked to read instruction how to make money transfer correctly.
Task – Unit 3 They were asked to make transfer of 100 $ to fictitious person as an exercise. All information needed were given and they had 6 minutes to make it.
How blind people use ATM – Unit 4 They had an opportunity to watch a video about using ATM by blind people
Security of your bank account – Unit 5 In this unit they had to read information about security of the bank account. This unit also consisted of themes of encryption, fraud, interoperability and websites. Next there was a task in which they had to answer the questions, according to what they read in this lesson.
Advices – Unit 6 The course finished with useful tips which can be used in e-banking by visually impaired people.
In the end, each user was given a cerficate of achievement
Statistics and results Eleven people were invited to take part in our course. Each user had to do 6 units. Half of them were granted on points. These lessons could be passed on 50 %, 75 % or 100 % efficiency, according to doing the tasks.
Overall scores UserGrade (pts)Percentage (%) Izabela Łabuz100100% Aleksandra Woźnicka91,6791,67 % Katarzyna Urbańczyk91,6791,67 % Monika Majchrzak7575 % Łukasz Jeleń7575 % Krzysztof Janas74,1774,17 % Marcin Patoczka % Jan Szuster57,557,5 % Kamila Albin5050 % Monika Janik5050 % Krzysztof Jóźwiak49,1749,17 %
Summary To conclude users didn’t have problems with Security of the bank account and Task part. The overall average score on this sections were 77,27 % and 87,95 % respectively. Our participants had problems in order to cope with Introduction lesson. Approximately half of them finished it properly. The overall average score was only 45,45 %. One of the reason of this could be a fact that during this task they faced a technical problems, which was noted by us. Also the course was the whole in English and some people might not understand vocabulary. What come into our attention was fact, that visually impaired people have less problems with our service than blind.