A 2 nd Grade Web Quest through the Solar System Created by Janifer Wheeler June 10, 2006
You are a Great Space Travel Agent. Business has been very bad lately and your boss wants you and your team to convince people that traveling to another planet in our Solar System is a GREAT space idea! If you can’t get more customers, you will all lose your jobs!!
Your team must collect information about each planet and then create a poster on the one planet you think people would most like to visit. MarsMercuryUranus VenusJupiterNeptune EarthSaturnPluto
Give your team a name. You will include this name on all written work. Each team of 3-4 people will investigate all nine planets. Each team member should research 3 different planets using the links provided on the RESOURCES page. Your Boss (the teacher) will assign the planets to each member. A Planet Information Sheet (PIF) must be completed. There are 3 planets per sheet. Click the link to access the PIF.Planet Information Sheet (PIF) When the PIF has been completed, then you will come together as a group and share all of the information on the planets. After the information has been shared, you must decide on ONE planet that you think people would want to visit. You will take a virtual trip through the solar system, focusing on the planet you have chosen using the Virtual Tour links on the RESOURCES page. Take notes about your trip on the Virtual Tour Sheet (VTS) and pay close attention to what you see so you can draw pictures of the planet on your poster. Record at least 6 interesting facts about the planet. You can also include 1 or 2 brief statements on the planet’s neighbor’s. If you want to print out a special picture of the planet from a website, you must get permission from the Boss before printing. To access the Virtual Tour Sheet, click here.here Create a poster advertising your planet. Be sure to include all of the interesting facts you found on the poster. Be creative and convincing. Include pictures you’ve drawn or printed. The poster will be presented orally to the class. Each person on the team MUST speak and share information on the planet.
Solar System ViewsWindows to the Universe Facts about the Planets Planets in our Solar System Blast Off Yahooligans Virtual Tour Videos:
Each team will be evaluated using a RUBRIC. To access the Rubric, click on the link.RUBRIC You must complete and turn in the following written items: –Planet Information Form (PIF) –Virtual Tour Sheet –Poster You will be graded on written work, team work and oral presentation. Each team will receive a Group Grade and each team member will receive a grade on his/her Planet Information Form.
Now that you have explored all nine planets, you are a Great Space Travel EXPERT Agent and can successfully book trips for people to any planet in our Solar System. Click on the EXPERT link for your Certificate. EXPERT Which planet would you choose if Earth were no longer available? Why? By the way, business has improved so much, your team has qualified for a BONUS from the Boss!! How would you suggest the Boss reward your team?
NASA for Kids Visit Brainpop Visit Brainpop - You will need to enter a username and password to access Brainpop Username: rcps Password: rcps
CREDITS The following sites were used in preparing this Webquest:
Teacher Page This WebQuest is for 2 nd grade students who have basic internet navigation skills. It covers the following Georgia Curriculum Standards: Topic: Space: Astronomy Standard: Describes motion of Earth, moon, and planets in our solar system. Describes how the Earth rotates once a day and revolves around the sun each year, how the moon revolves around the Earth each month and how the planets revolve around the sun in a periodic manner. Topic: Science Inquiry, Process Skills and Problem Solving Standard: Asks questions, classifies objects based on similarities and differences, communicates with others, makes inferences and predictions, uses estimation and measurement, uses evidence to construct explanations, and makes sketches and diagrams to explain ideas. Topic: Activities/Tools Standard: Actively engages in the learning process via hands-on/minds-on science activities and experiences. Uses appropriate tools to collect and analyze data and solve problems. ELA2R4 The student uses a variety of strategies to gain meaning from grade-level text. ELA2W1 The student demonstrates competency in the writing process. The student d. Begins to create graphic features (charts, tables, graphs). g. Begins to write a persuasive piece that states and supports an opinion. ELA2LSV1 The student uses oral and visual strategies to communicate. The student a. Interprets information presented and seeks clarification when needed. b. Begins to use oral language for different purposes: to inform, to persuade, and to entertain. c. Uses increasingly complex language patterns and sentence structure when communicating. d. Listens to and views a variety of media to acquire information. e. Increases vocabulary to reflect a growing range of interests and knowledge.