The Unity of Scripture How do most people characterize the Bible? Is it like a novel or story? Is it like a biography or textbook? How does it all fit together? "Many people hesitate before the Bible in much the same way they hesitate at the edge of a dense forest.“ S. Deitrich
The Unity of Scripture How can two books be one Book? How can 66 books be 1 book?! How can we make sense of it all?
Our dilemma Isaiah 55:8. For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, saith the Lord. We think differently, we have different perspectives. Yet - He does not want us locked into this dilemma. Hebrews He’s there and He has spoken
Our dilemma The Bible is very diverse We are faced with history, law, poetry, proverb, prophecy, parable, oration, epistle, and sermon and then we’re expected to readily accept the idea that one continuous story is woven throughout all these varied writings.
The Big Picture Have you really seen how all these diverse books fit together? The Bible is not a "book" in the usual sense. There’s not a logical “plot” like a novel, nor are the connections always clear like a textbook.
Unity? Would you say the book of Psalms is an extension of or harmonizes with Joshua? How do you put these two books together? Can they be joined? If so - What would be the key? When you see how it all fits together, how it presents a unified message, it will help you to understand and use it effectively.
2 kinds of unity: Organic Functional a piece of chalk and a ball-point pen Which is organic and which is functional in its "oneness"?
The Bible It has 66 distinct parts, yet all function together to form one body of revelation. Not sameness but unity. It's not just that the individual books complement one another; they need one another.
I Corinthians 12: 12ff human body-church body analogy If Esther shall say, “Because I am not Isaiah, I am not of the Bible;” is it therefore not of the Bible? And if Daniel shall say, “Because I am not Ephesians, I am not of the Bible;” is it therefore not of the Bible?
If the whole Bible be prophecy, where would be the great convicting Law? And if the whole Bible were worshipping hymns, where would be the great historical narratives? But now hath God set the books of the Bible--each one of them--in the Bible, even as it pleased Him.
Think Bible think Unity think God think Progress