Facts about the Solar System There are nine planets in our solar system. The sun is at the center. Each planet orbits the sun. There are two groups of planets: inner planets and outer planets.
The sun is our closest star. The sun is a medium- sized star called a yellow dwarf star. It provides us with heat and light so life can survive on Earth. There are storms on the sun called “sunspots”.
The four planets closest to the sun are the inner planets. –M–Mercury –V–Venus –E–Earth –M–Mars These four planets are made of rock and metal.
This planet gets very hot because it has spinning clouds that cover the surface and hold in the heat. It has volcanoes. It rotates in the opposite direction of all the other planets. This planet is often called “Earth’s Twin” because it is about the same size as Earth. VENUS
This planet is about the same size as our moon. The surface has holes in it where meteorites and asteroids crashed into it. It travels around the sun faster than any other planet. It is the planet closest to the sun. MERCURY
This planet has some of the tallest volcanoes and deepest valleys in the solar system. It has two moons. The temperature can be very cold. It is called the “Red Planet” because the dirt on the surface has a lot of clay which gives it a red color. MARS
This is the only planet that can have a total eclipse of the sun. It is the third planet from the sun. It has only one moon. This is the only planet with life. EARTH
The inner and outer planets are separated by an asteroid belt. –J–Jupiter –S–Saturn –U–Uranus –N–Neptune –P–Pluto All of the outer planets are made of gases except for Pluto.
This blue-green planet is very windy. It has two thick and two thin rings. It also has eight moons. It is so cold that you would need skin thicker than a polar bear’s to stay warm. This planet is similar to Uranus. NEPTUNE
This planet has clouds that change colors daily. It shines very brightly in the night sky for nine months of the year. The Great Red Spot is a large swirling area of gas. It is so large that all of the other planets in the solar system could fit inside of it. JUPITER
This planet has only one known moon named Charon. It is smaller than one of Neptune’s moons. It is the only outer planet that is made of rock and metal. It’s orbit crosses Neptune’s orbit every 248 years. PLUTO
This planet spins very quickly. It has white spots that are believed to be powerful storms. It is surrounded by over 1000 rings made of ice and dust. It has at least 18 moons. SATURN
This planet is large enough to hold 64 Earths. It has eleven rings and at least 20 moons. It tilts so far on it’s axis that it rotates on one side. It is Neptune’s twin. URANUS