MICE CM26 March '10Jean-Sebastien GraulichSlide 1 Detector DAQ Issues o Achievements Since CM25 o DAQ System Upgrade o Luminosity Monitors o Sequels of.


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Presentation transcript:

MICE CM26 March '10Jean-Sebastien GraulichSlide 1 Detector DAQ Issues o Achievements Since CM25 o DAQ System Upgrade o Luminosity Monitors o Sequels of the CAMAC crate incident o Event Building o Schedule Milestones o Summary Jean-Sebastien Graulich, Geneva

MICE CM26 March '10Jean-Sebastien GraulichSlide 2 Achievements since CM24  DAQ system upgrade is ready  Luminosity monitors integrated  Trigger system cabling optimized  DAQ and Trigger System Consolidation  Cabling documentation in progress  Progress in EMR front-end electronics

DAQ System Upgrade  Upgrade was needed for Standard Operating System on all Online PC Stable Software Behaviour Controlled Installation/Replacement Procedure User Friendly DATE Software update Better Memory management allowing larger buffers -> Increase the number of events per spill  Delicate operation No service interruption allowed Need rapid back up procedure in case of problem  Detailed documentation mandatory MICE CM26 March '10Jean-Sebastien GraulichSlide 3

DAQ System Upgrade  Plan of action  Backup a disk image of the working PCs  Develop the upgrade procedure on a mirror system  Develop scripts for automatic OS and Software installation  Test the DAQ on the mirror system  Apply the installation procedure to the working PCs  Status New system tested successfully Detailed installation documentation available Waiting for the next shutdown for the final migration MICE CM26 March '10Jean-Sebastien GraulichSlide 4

DAQ System Consolidation  A common Online software repository has been Set- up (James Leaver) Using Bazaar All the DAQ software is now securely backed up and properly versioned The online monitoring code will follow soon  A stable Installation procedure for DATE and DAQ code is now available and documented  Strong basis for coming development Tracker DAQ !!! MICE CM26 March '10Jean-Sebastien GraulichSlide 5

MICE CM26 March '10Jean-Sebastien Graulich Luminosity Monitor Counters  3 LMC Signals recorded in the VME scaler 1-2 Coincidence 3-4 Coincidence coincidence  Required a reorganization of the Trigger NIM electronics  No time is recorded !  Also shown on the TV monitor (new channel mapping) Slide 6 Soler’s Signals ECL Conversion before VME Scaler

The CAMAC Crate Incident  The Incident In December 2009, after TOF2 installation, the power supply for the CAMAC crate holding TOF Discriminator failed (over current) The diagnostic of the failure was not simple After unsuccessful replacement of the Power supply and the fan tray, it was decided to replace the full crate => Re-cabling of all the boards ! Slide 7MICE CM26 March '10Jean-Sebastien Graulich

The CAMAC Crate Incident  The Consequence Half of the ECL cables re-plugged in reverse polarity Christmas Run cancelled  The Sequels All boards and cables properly labeled New cables prepared to avoid single pair connections A new CAMAC board has been designed and produced to simplify the layout and reduce the current Detailed layout and cabling drawing under way Slide 8MICE CM26 March '10Jean-Sebastien Graulich

New CAMAC module  Function Distribute the Part. Trigger and the Part. Trg. Request signal to all the TDCs (Synchronization reference)  Was A combination of NIM Fan out NIM to ECL converter  Issue Messy cabling Current consumption  Will be A single CAMAC board made in UNIGE After shutdown (will modify timing -> Calibration) Slide 9MICE CM26 March '10Jean-Sebastien Graulich

MICE CM26 March '10Jean-Sebastien GraulichSlide 10 Event Building  The synchronization problem between the two crates persists We incriminate the PCI/VME interface It couldn’t be replaced because all the spares used for the mirror DAQ system Massive failure of boards: 4 out of 10 boards had to be send for repair  In the meanwhile Online monitoring histogram allow to spot the problem A VME and PC power cycle solve it temporarily Shifter’s attention is required

MICE CM26 March '10Jean-Sebastien GraulichSlide 11 Schedule Milestones  From CM25  CAM data in Online Data StreamNov 09 -> Mai 10  Tracker integrated in DAQ and OLMJan 10 -> July 10  TOF TDC Clock SynchronizationMarch 10 -> Aug 10 More complicated than first thought. Need a dedicated board  Burst Gate Signal in the Trigger System  Burst Gate Signal in the Trigger System Need support here The priority has been set to the DAQ and Trigger system upgrade and consolidation  DAQ System upgradeMai 10  Production of SW/EMR Front End ElectronicsJan 10 -> Started

Summary  DAQ System upgrade ready Migration scheduled for the next shutdown  Luminosity monitor Counters integrated into the DAQ  Significant effort in consolidation and documentation  Next steps Interface with CAM Tracker readout MICE CM26 March '10Jean-Sebastien GraulichSlide 12