LS 2009 : 10 Dharmapuri Voting percentage…
Bye Elections…March 2010
Voter Education Voter education is part and parcel of any free and fair elections in the country Fundamental goal should be to create public awareness on election related matters and to enable people to fully participate in choosing their leaders. It is crucial for the civic organizations, media and other key partners to play a significant role.
Who all should Educate Voters The Election Commission of India, State and District election officers The Political parties and candidates, The NGOs, The Media The Educational Institutions. Have a big responsibility to educate the general public, particularly the voters on the meaning, processes and essence of electoral procedures and elections. 5
Election Commission funds Voter education activities Fund provided to CEOs to give Newspaper inserts, radio jingles, television spots, Banners, posters and produce literature In rural areas – drum beating, chaupal (village assemblies) etc Electoral Rolls displayed and read in local bodies like Gram Sabhas and Resident’s Welfare Associations etc. To enable voters to make an informed choice - All candidates are required to declare their criminal past, educational qualifications, assets and liabilities etc.- Affidavits filed displayed publicly and also put on the EC website. Efforts on to make information on poll expenses public. 6
Ingredients of a Credible Election Correct electoral rolls - fair opportunity is given to all for addition and deletion of names Freedom for filing nominations to all eligible persons No coercion – for abstention or casting votes Proper enforcement of Model Code of Conduct to create a level playing field Expenses by the candidates within the prescribed limits Conditions – in which an average elector feels secure for casting his vote freely without any fear Complete transparency in all electoral operations 7
Partners/Stakeholders in Voter’s Education Political parties and candidates Resident Associations and Educational institutions Self Help groups Youth clubs/Fan clubs NGOs/Watch dog committees Press and Media
Polling station locations/ relocations Political parties Enrollment of voters Poll date Polling station locations/ relocations How to cast the vote in EVM Resident Associations and Educational institutions Self Help groups Youth clubs/Fan clubs Enrollment EPIC Awareness on importance of voting
Political parties They are the real stake holders and hence play crucial role in voter education Educate voters on Poll date Location of polling station Contesting candidates Casting Vote on EVM Educate voters through Advertisements Person to person contact Public meetings Posters / Pamphlets Rallies Festivals and fairs
2. Resident Associations and Educational institutions Educate voters on Being a responsible citizen and Importance of voting Supply and collection of Forms For enrollment of college students- First time/ new voters. Getting EPIC and Distribution Meetings Handbills
3. Self Help groups and Youth /Fan clubs Using of SHG network and youth clubs Training of SHG leaders and motivators for educating the women and youth Enrolling as a voter and help others Importance of Voting Not to accept freebies Not to indulge in bogus voting/impersonation How to register compliant for MCC violations
NGOs/Press and Media Enrollment of voters EPIC Awareness on importance of voting How to cast the vote in EVM Rule 49 O Candidates profile Complaints and grievance redressal
General messages through PRESS /MEDIA to be broadcast throughout the campaign Right to Vote Be a Responsible Citizen Enroll yourself as voter Get your EPIC card Cooperate with Booth level officers during house visit Rule 49 O Do’s and Don’t on polling day
Pre – Poll arrangements messages thro press/ media Affidavit filed by Contesting candidates Relocated polling stations Arrangements for safety and security of voters Deployment of Central protection forces ECI Observers arrival and contact information Election Cell and Complaint/grievance redressal unit- contact numbers Transparency in the process of EVM preparation Citizen interface centres for familiarisation with EVMs
Before Polling Day Three main messages: how to locate your polling centre how to correctly cast your vote in the EVM voter eligibility - which documents to bring on Election Day POSTERS/PAMPHLETS PRESS RELEASE
Role of Press /Media Storage of EVMs and counting Safety and security of polled EVMs Transparency in counting of votes Presence of candidates and counting agents Role of observers Random check of EVMs Media Centre Video recording of all events in Counting centre Display of roundwise results
Relationship with Partners/stakeholders DEO hears complaints & concerns of all political parties All political parties given similar treatment DEO call meeting of Political Parties for electoral rolls, enforcement of code of conduct, for deciding polling stations & counting centres Any individual or NGO can offer suggestions or can file complaints with the DEO, CEOs & EC. 18
Voter education programme… A good voter education programme will tell voters about their rights, how to exercise them and how the system works. It must also explain the effects of corruption and the need for integrity in the public service and the electoral process.
P.AMUDHA,DISTRICT COLLECTOR All the partners and stakeholders have to fully participate to educate our people with the aim of free and fair elections as this will consolidate national peace and solidarity, enhance democracy and spearhead good governance in our country. P.AMUDHA,DISTRICT COLLECTOR DHARMAPURI,TAMILNADU