Sun Our Closest Star By Kelly Wade Castle Rock Elementary School
How to: Take Notes Do Research 1.Read a book 2.Watch a video 3.Surf the Internet 4.Listen to your teacher Review information with your table group Write down 5 facts Add to the list with the help of your teacher Number the facts
Name ________Topic _________
The Sun is Our Closest Star The Sun is the center of our solar system. It is a huge, spinning ball of hot gas & nuclear reactions. It lights up the Earth and provides heat. It is a medium sized star.
The Sun is the center of our Solar System 1 st solar photo 04/02/61 The Earth is 93 million miles from the sun.
Sun Spots Sunspots are relatively cool dark patches on the sun’s surface. They come in many shapes and sizes and often appear in groups. These spots are much bigger than Earth
Solar System Portrait Taken by Voyager 1 Left to Right: –(Mercury was too close to the sun to get a picture. –Venus –Earth –(no Mars= it was in wrong spot for pic.) –Jupiter –Saturn –Uranus –Neptune
Solar Flare
How do we know so much about the sun? Ulysses was launched in It received a gravitation boost from Galileo. What we have learned: –Solar activity and the sunspots are driven by the solar magnetic field that changes dramatically over a 22-year cycle. The Ulysses website was last updated July 2007
The Sun & Mercury
Size Comparison: The Sun & The Earth The Sun is so big that 1,000,000 Earths could fit inside.
Comparing the Size of the Sun Our Sun is a medium sized star. Go to NASA Kids for more information.
Warning!! Do NOT look at the sun! It can damage your eyes permanently!
How to: Take Notes Do Research 1.Read a book 2.Watch a video 3.Surf the Internet 4.Listen to your teacher Review information with your table group Write down 5 facts Add to the list with the help of your teacher Number the facts
Sun Paragraph When you write a paragraph you need to: 1.Use the correct paragraph shape. 2.Begin with a “2-finger” indent. 3.The 1 st line is the only line in a paragraph that is indented. 4.Include 5 to 7 complete sentences. 5.Begin each sentence with a capital. 6.Put a space after each period. (1-finger space) 7.Use a space after each word. (1-finger space)
Planet Report Grading 5 sentences50 points Indent10 points Punctuation10 points Neat Printing10 points Color Planet10 points Correct # of moons10 points Total Points: 100 points Grading Scale: Grading Scale: (What the Grade Means) points = A[Excellent] points = B[Very Good] points = C[Good] points = D[Not Good – Work Harder] a lot points = F[Bad – Work a lot Harder]
Today’s Assignment 1.Write Sun Report 2.Color Sun 3.Finish Space Cover