Combined Leadership Team – Feb 2013 (and this will be our typical format) 7:30pm Supper 7:45pm Common Time: Setting Up the Year Leadership Groups Staff.


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Presentation transcript:

Combined Leadership Team – Feb 2013 (and this will be our typical format) 7:30pm Supper 7:45pm Common Time: Setting Up the Year Leadership Groups Staff Roles The Role of Home Group Leader… First Night Planning The Year 8:15pm Bible Study Workshop 9:00 Touch Base In Conngregations 9:10pm Home…

Leadership Groups... Underneath the Elders are three Leadership Groups. Each LG consists of… an identifiable pastor (appointed by Craig), elders who attend that congregation other staff members (appointed by Craig) home group leaders in that congregation other key people (appointed by the elders).

Leadership Groups... Why do Leadership Groups? Create a wider group with a high level of ownership for each congregation. Evaluate their congregations contribution to the Mission of dpc Reflect together & give feedback to the elders on how things are going pastorally and organizationally in their particular congregation (people & meetings) Be proactive & creative, not just reacting to problems Commitment to mutual support and prayer

February 6 th March 6 th April – NOT ON (Book Club) May 1 st June 5 th July 3 rd August 7 th September 4 th October - NOT ON November 6 th December – NOT ON Every month Home Groups don’t meet on the first week Leadership Groups... This year Leadership team meetings will be mainly combined Strong Emphasis on Training Home Group Leaders/New Leaders Meet more often… but compensate by cancelling groups on the weeks we meet as leaders. Typically, the second half of our combined meetings are for training for Home Group Leaders/Assistant leaders (others can go home!)

With Respect to Home Groups… Staff Roles in 2013 Darryl Soh will oversee 9am Home Groups, Craig Tucker will oversee 10:30am Home Groups, Jonathan Graham will oversee 6pm Home Groups. Anna Moss (on her return in April) will oversee Tuesday Hub Other staff focus areas in 2013 (FYI) Raising the Quality of our Sunday Meetings (Music, News, Bulletins) Welcoming & Integration – Darryl is our “Connect” pastor Training Home Group Leaders Better Major work over of the direction of 6pm church

With Respect to Home Groups… Staff Roles in 2013 Darryl Soh will oversee 9am Home Groups, Craig Tucker will oversee 10:30am Home Groups, Jonathan Graham will oversee 6pm Home Groups. Anna Moss (on her return in April) will oversee Tuesday Hub Other staff focus areas in 2013 (FYI) Raising the Quality of our Sunday Meetings (Music, News, Bulletins) Welcoming & Integration – Darryl is our “Connect” pastor Training Home Group Leaders Better Major work over of the direction of 6pm church

Home Groups “Home Groups” “Bible Study Groups” “Growth Groups” “Community Groups” “Small Groups” “Connect Group”

Home Group Leadership The Home Group Leader(s) are responsible to lead the group towards maturity in Christ. However, the success of the group is everyone’s responsibility. Assistant Leaders support the Home Group Leader(s) in this task.

Home Group Leadership The Home Group Leader(s) are responsible to lead the group towards maturity in Christ. However, the success of the group is everyone’s responsibility. Assistant Leaders support the Home Group Leader(s) in this task. Staff… are not to have a problem focused ministry, but seek to facilitate the training and equipping of Christians in our church family to build up one another, using Home Groups wherever possible, as the framework for this care.

Home Group Leadership Being the leader(s) doesn’t mean leading the study every time the group meets. Normally in our groups, different people, men & women, will lead the study on different nights. The decision as to who will lead the Bible study rests with the Home group leader in consultation with Assistant Leader(s) and should be made with discernment (not a democracy where everyone gets a turn). Ultimately the male leader in the group, is responsible for what is taught. (but not jumping on every minor error!)

Men & Women & Leadership… 1.The Bible’s pattern of ordered complementary partnership in marriage, flows over into the church family. The principle of submission & authority as men & women needs to reflect how we do church. 2.The responsibility for safeguarding the truth & refuting error is a leadership role at church appropriate only for male leadership. That reading reflects NT passages like 1 Cor 11 & 1 Tim 2. And I reckon the most obvious way that will express itself in a Presbyterian context is the senior minister (who oversees the pulpit ministry) and the eldership who have spiritual oversight of the congregation. 3.However, its appropriate for men & women to speak words in our meetings that encourage and build each other up in Christ. (Words that speak the gospel to each other, in a way that brings repentance & faith.) In a way that honours our maleness & femaleness. We need to hear from each other. Learn from each other. Be instructed by each other.

Caring for linked people… (assign in March) What is the best way to care for them? (Talk to staff if unclear. Do they know they are linked?) In the group, mention them by name, pray specifically, each week. Assign someone to be in contact (not you). Work at the group “owning” this responsibility

Setting Up Year as a Home Group Leadership Meet and Plan as a Leadership Connect with Host Work thru pamphlet and set clear expectations Contact Details Delegate Supper (don’t organise yourself) Material…

Eph 4: (passage from your pamphlet, important to work thru the pamphlet on first night)

This Year at dpc On Sundays… John’s Gospel in several chunks. (Discussion Questions) Tough Questions (May & Sept) Invitation Sundays (March, June, Sept) Other Key Events FebCPP (separate Kids Ch training day cancelled) MarchWelcoming as Part of Our DNA (5 min spot) March/April Building Changes Discussion… May Book Club C S Lewis (other C S Lewis ideas?) May Music Training (Trevor Hodge) August Parenting Training (Paul Tripp) Sept Book Club (date and readings TBC)

This Year at dpc On Sundays… John’s Gospel in several chunks. (Discussion Questions) Tough Questions in two chunks Invitation Sundays Other Key Events FebCPP (separate Kids Ch training day cancelled) MarchOur Mission Home Group (5 min spot) Welcoming as Part of Our DNA (5 min spot) Why Have Students ? (5 min spot) March/April Building Changes Discussion… AprilBook Club C S Lewis (other C S Lewis ideas?) May Music Training (Trevor Hodge) August Parenting Training (Paul Tripp) AugustTalking about sex (format?) Sept Book Club (date and readings TBC)