Do you know your space facts?
Is the sun a star? Yes
How many moons does Neptune have? eight
What planet can you see without a telescope? Venus
Which planets have no moons? Venus and Mercury
Which planets are called the twin planets? Uranus and Neptune
What is the sun made of? Hot gases
How many hours in a day on Jupiter? 10 earth hours
Which planet is called the “Red Planet?” Mars
Which is the biggest planet? Jupiter
Which planet has the most moons? Saturn
Which planet is almost the same size as earth? Venus
Which is the smallest planet? Pluto
Which planet is called the morning star? Venus
What is the name of our galaxy? Milky Way
How many rings does Uranus have? Eleven (11)
How is Uranus like Saturn? They both have rings.
How many satellites does Mars have? Two (2)
What do we call a natural satellite? A moon
What is the hottest planet? Venus
Which planet has the most rings? Saturn
Which planet has the Great Red Spot? Jupiter
Name the inner planets?
Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars
Name the outer planets?
Neptune, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto
What is the name of Pluto’s moon? Charon
What is the largest planet in our solar system? Jupiter
What planet is called the blue planet? Neptune
The asteroid belt is between what two planets? Mars and Jupiter
What do you call a frozen ball of rock, dust and ice that orbits the Sun? Comet
What do you call a group of stars in an area of the sky? Constellations
What is the name of the closest star to the earth? The sun
How long does it take the moon to revolve around the Earth? 1 month
How many days does it take the earth to revolve around the sun? 365 days