17 July 2002RSOC presentation G.D. 1 NEW SAFETY CODE A9 Origin –Revision of SAPOCO 42 document Main modifications: –Official name becomes SAFETY POLICY.


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Presentation transcript:

17 July 2002RSOC presentation G.D. 1 NEW SAFETY CODE A9 Origin –Revision of SAPOCO 42 document Main modifications: –Official name becomes SAFETY POLICY AT CERN SAPOCO/42 –Revision of text –Separate all annexes – Status :English version ready for publication as a ~ 20 pages document

17 July 2002RSOC presentation G.D. 2 NEW SAFETY CODE A9 Previous annexes of SAPOCO/42 to separate documents: – Annexe 1 : Divisional safety code  to code A9 – Annexe 2.1 : Safety responsibilities in divisions  =code A9 – Annexe 2.2 : TIS division  to be done = code A12 ? – Annexe 2.3 and 2.4 : description of SAPOCO, DSOC and other comities  =code A10 – Annexe 3 : Safety and contractors  CERN/DSU-DO/RH/9335 – Annexe 4 : Admin. Procedures following serious accident  = code A11 – Annexe 5 : legal status  independent document (ref to be defined)

17 July 2002RSOC presentation G.D. 3 NEW SAFETY CODE A9 Procedure: –Complete revision of the new codes A9, A10, A11 by DSOC in extra-ordinary meetings (completed end May) –First discussion of A9 in last SAPOCO meeting –Actually discussed in TIS division –On the agenda of next SAPOCO meeting (15/8) –Approval of technical director –Approval of DG –Produce French versions –(In preparation revision of accident code A2 + A11)

17 July 2002RSOC presentation G.D. 4 NEW SAFETY CODE A9 New CODE A9: –Draft version!! –Uniform frame of duties description for DSO, TSO, CSO, FGSO, RSO (appointment, replacement, duties, means available, authority) –Duties of CSO, FGSO and RSO approved in the respective comities.

17 July 2002RSOC presentation G.D. 5 NEW SAFETY CODE A9 – 10. RADIATION SAFETY OFFICERS (RSO) – 10.1 A Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) must be appointed for every division or certain experiments at CERN where ionising or non-ionising radiation hazards may be associated with work or installations. This Officer must be conversant with the hazards of ionising and non-ionising radiation and with the rules and techniques of radiation protection. – – 10.2 The Radiation Safety Officer for a Division is appointed by the Division Leader, after consultation with any other Division involved and with the TIS Division. –The Radiation Safety officer for an experiment is appointed by the Division Leader of the host division, after consultation with the GLIMOS of the collaboration and with the TIS Division. –RSOs are accountable to their Division Leader via the Divisional Safety Officer (DSO) or the GLIMOS in the case of an experiment. – – 10.3 In the temporary absence of a Radiation Safety Officer, urgent action falling under their competence may be taken on their behalf by a previously appointed deputy who has been given the necessary training, and in accordance with the Divisional Safety Plan.

17 July 2002RSOC presentation G.D. 6 NEW SAFETY CODE A A Radiation Safety Officer has the following duties : i) to keep themselves, the Division Leader or Technical Co-ordinator, the TIS Division and others concerned informed on all aspects of ionising and non-ionising radiation safety and protection in the Division or the experiment. ii) to ensure that the technical supervisors are familiar with Radiation Safety Manual (Safety Code F) and other regulations and standards concerning the radiation safety and protection; iii) to ensure, together with the responsible person and TIS Division, that the installations in the Division or the experiment comply with the regulations in force which are applicable to radiation safety and protection at all stages of the project (design, construction, installation, operation and dismantling); iv) to ensure, together with the Radiation Protection Group, that the technical means of radiation safety and protection (such as, but not limited to, monitors, warning signs and barriers) are in place and operational; V ) to ensure that the organisational conditions are adequate for the safe operation of the installation. vi) to take part in preparing and updating the Divisional Safety Plan, vii) to represent the division or the experiment in the RSOC; viii) to assume other tasks as stated in the CERN Radiation Safety Code.

17 July 2002RSOC presentation G.D. 7 NEW SAFETY CODE A The means available to the Radiation Safety Officers include : i) access to all relevant information on relevant activities in the division or the experiment; ii) access to relevant training in the subject of radiation safety and protection; iii) access to the resources of the division or the collaboration; iv) the authority to issue compulsory directives concerning design, construction, testing and operation to the person in charge of an installation; v) the authority to stop dangerous activities immediately A decision by the Radiation Safety Officer may be overruled only by the Leader of the territorial Division jointly with the Leader of the TIS Division suppressed : Radiation Safety Officers may ask their Division Leader to appoint assistants (RSAs) if the work-load so requires. These RSAs have the same mandate and authority for their area as the RSO himself.