The Universe and Our Solar System Lesson 18
What is the universe?
Universe: The huge space which contains all of the matter and energy in existence.
The universe is everything you see in the night sky and more that you can not see!
Many scientists believe the universe has evolved over the last 15 billion years but it is hard to say for sure.
We are still learning about what makes up the Universe. We are far from knowing everything about it. Facts and figures about the Universe are subject to change with new information from astronomers.
The universe is filled with evolving objects. The universe is filled with stars, galaxies, solar systems, asteroids and comets.
Star: A ball of gas that shines brightly. Stars also give off heat.
Stars have a life cycle; they are born, burn for millions to billions of years, and eventually die out.
Stars that are close together and rotate as a unit are called a galaxy.
Our Sun is part of the Milky Way Galaxy.
Asteroids are chunks of rock left over from the formation of the Solar System.
Similarly, comets are balls of ice and minerals left over from the creation of the Sun and planets.
We see them glowing in the night sky when they orbit close to the Sun and heat up, throwing off glowing tails.
A solar system is an arrangement of planets around a central star or stars.
Our Solar System includes the Sun, the eight planets, dwarf planets, their associated moons, and countless asteroids and comets
Let’s watch this video about our solar system.
Break Time
Let’s watch another video about our solar system. v=h5bVZTpVxy4 v=h5bVZTpVxy4
Now let’s see what we remember. Take sometime to answer The Universe and Our Solar System sheet. I will read the questions to you and you take the time to answer the questions. After you finish answering the questions I will go over the answers with you.
Today we learned that the Universe is made up of everything. The Universe includes stars, galaxies, comets, asteroids, planets and solar systems.
We learned that our Solar System includes the Sun, the eight planets, dwarf planets, their associated moons, and countless asteroids and comets.
In our next lesson we will learn about the center of our solar system, the sun.
Keep observing the world around you!