THE SOLAR SYSTEM. By Nicholas and Dylan.
The Solar System
Venus temperature is 484 degrees Celsius in the day when facing the sun. Venus has several large inactive volcanoes. Venus is 559 kilometers from the sun. Venus was named after a roman god of love and beauty. Venus is 82% more heavier than earth.
Facts about Pluto. Pluto was the first dwarf planet. Pluto is the ninth planet from the sun. It would take 454 Pluto’s to make one earth. Pluto’s average temperature is -234 degrees Celsius. Pluto is million kilometers away from the sun. Pluto is named after a Roman God Underwood.
Facts about mercury Mercury is about 57 million kilometers away from the sun. Mercury maximum temperature is 465 degrees Celsius. It would take 20 mercury's to make just one earth.
Facts about Jupiter. Jupiter is made of liquids and gasses. There is heaps and heaps of clouds around Jupiter and it looks like it has stripes. Jupiter is the fifth planet from the sun. It takes 10 hours for Jupiter to get round the Sun.