Jupiter Facts Aiden, Coby
Jupiter Jupiter is between Saturn and Mars.
Jupiter Jupiter was named after the king of Roman mythology. Jupiter was observed in 1610 by Galileo Galiee.
Jupiter If you weighed 100 pounds on Earth you would weigh 264 pounds on Jupiter. This is because Jupiter is bigger than Earth, so it has a stronger gravitational pull.
Jupiter’s surface It is almost 35,000 degrees F on the surface of Jupiter.
Jupiter’s Atmosphere Jupiter is 90% hydrogen and 10% helium!
Jupiter’s Moons Jupiter has 16 moons.
Size of Jupiter Jupiter is 318 times bigger than Earth.
Interesting Facts You can see 4 of Jupiter’s moons with binoculars. Jupiter has a red spot that is found to be a storm.
Similarities to Earth Jupiter is like Earth because they both have clouds.
Writing Activity Write a paragraph about the solar system. Include 5 facts covered in this presentation. Solar System Activities