The Universe Click on the galaxy!
Arrrgggh! Wrong, but it was a trick question. Go back and try again
The Solar System
The Solar Eclipse 1999 In 1999, one of the biggest and most publicised solar eclipses ever happened It was screened on TV everywhere. Many people filmed the moment of totality. Want to see it?
The Solar Eclipse 1999
Instructions! Click on a planet in the Solar System to learn more about it Click on the galaxy at anytime to return to the Solar System The “Play” Button on the Solar System takes you to a video of the most amazing natural phenomenon Scour the planet to find the clickable areas that give you facts!
The Sun The sun looks white from space because its light has not entered the Earth's atmosphere. It looks huge, but the Sun is a very small star in comparison to the others.
Mercury Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun, but it is NOT the hottest. It looks huge, but the Sun is a very small star in comparison to the others. Mercury is very small, about half the size of Earth
Venus Venus is the hottest planet in our solar system due to greenhouse gases trapping the Sun’s rays It looks huge, but the Sun is a very small star in comparison to the others. The coldest it reaches on Venus is 360°C! That is hotter than your oven!!
Earth Earth is the only KNOWN planet that capable of supporting life. This does not mean that it is the only one! If earth was a couple of centimetres closer to or further away from the Sun, we would all die.
Mars Mars is known as “The Red Planet” due to its intense redness It is now thought that there could have been life on Mars millions of years ago
Jupiter The “Great Red Spot” is a giant storm three times the size of Earth! Jupiter is the largest planet in the Solar System, and is over 20 times larger than Earth
Saturn Saturn’s rings are NOT solid. They are made of chunks of ice and rock orbiting Saturn Saturn is one of the “Gas Giants”, which consists of all of the planets after Mars
Uranus Uranus is tilted 90° so its rings look vertical Uranus was seen years before it was named as a planet, but people though it was a star!
Neptune Neptune is the furthest away from the Sun Neptune cannot be seen from Earth without a strong telescope
Quiz!! There are 5 questions to answer You have 3 lives to try and get to the end BE WARNED! Some of the later questions are pretty hard! START
Question 1 Which of these is the “Red Planet”? 3 LIVES LEFT
Question 1 Which of these is the “Red Planet”? 2 LIVES LEFT
Question 1 Which of these is the “Red Planet”? 1 LIFE LEFT
Question 2 Which of these is smallest? 3 LIVES LEFT
Question 2 Which of these is smallest? 2 LIVES LEFT
Question 2 Which of these is smallest? 1 LIFE LEFT
Question 3 Which is the odd one out? 3 LIVES LEFT
Question 3 Which is the odd one out? 2 LIVES LEFT
Question 3 Which is the odd one out? 1 LIFE LEFT
Question 4 Which of these COULD have had life on them? 3 LIVES LEFT
Question 4 Which of these COULD have had life on them? 2 LIVES LEFT
Question 4 Which of these COULD have had life on them? 1 LIFE LEFT
Question 5 Which of these is the heaviest? 3 LIVES LEFT
Question 5 Which of these is the heaviest? 2 LIVES LEFT
Question 5 Which of these is the heaviest? 1 LIFE LEFT
Ahh! You ran out of lives!