powerpoint presentation designed by claro ruiz vicente Adult Bible Study Guide Apr May Jun 2011 Adult Bible Study Guide Apr May Jun 2011
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Office of the Adult Bible Study Guide Staff Principal Contributors
Garments of Grace Contents 1. In the Loom of Heaven 2. From Exalted to Cast Down 3. A Garment of Innocence 4. The Coat of Different Colors 5. The Priestly Garments of Grace 6. Elijah’s ang Elisha’s Mantle 7. In the Shadow of His Wings 8. Garments of Splendor 9. A Brand Plucked From Fire 10. The Prodigal’s New Clothes 11. The Wedding Garment 12. More Clothing Imagery 13. Clothed in Christ
Garments of Grace Our Goal {169}
Garments of Grace Lesson 5, April 30 Garments of Grace Lesson 5, April 30 The Priestly Garments of Grace Grace
The Priestly Garments of Grace Key Text
The Priestly Garments of Grace Initial Words {219}
The Priestly Garments of Grace Quick Look 1. The Priesthood (Exodus 28:1) 2. Priestly Garments (Exodus 38:4) 3. Jesus, Our High Priest (Hebrews 4:14, 15)
The Priestly Garments of Grace 1. The Priesthood
Old Covenant Grace {220}
The priesthood was a sacred honor, and the priests were to represent holiness and purity. After all, they were the ones who were standing before the Lord in place of the people. They had to be “holy.” They had to be different, in a sacred sense, that would— while acknowledging their closeness to those whom they were representing—clearly differentiate them from the masses. 1.The Priesthood Old Covenant Grace {222}
The Priestly Garments of Grace 2. Priestly Garments
The Youth’s Instructor June {224}
“So Aaron shall bear the names of the sons of Israel on the breastplate of judgment over his heart…” Exodus 28:29. God’s people must be completely dependent upon the Lord, who forgives them, who sustains them, and who offers them the power to live the holy lives that He demands from His people. 2. Priestly Garments Breastplate of Judgment {226}
Upon His Heart Notice, too, where the priest bears the names of the people. Upon his heart. The text specifically mentions this location, a common symbol in the Bible (and in many cultures) that reveals the love and tender care that the Lord has for His children. 2. Priestly Garments Breastplate of Judgment {226}
Another important point is that each tribe had a different gem, each with different qualities, to symbolize the distinctiveness of each tribe. No matter how different we all are in personality, character, and gifts, we are still to be united in purpose under the grace and Lordship of our great High Priest, Jesus. 2. Priestly Garments Breastplate of Judgment {226}
The Priestly Garments of Grace 3. Jesus, Our High Priest
3. Jesus, Our Hight Priest Hope and Promise {228}
Jesus had been a human being who knew the trials, tribulations, and temptations of all humanity. Jesus was “without sin,” and out of His sinlessness we can claim two wonderful promises: 3. Jesus, Our Hight Priest Hope and Promise {228} (1) the robe of His righteousness can be ours by faith, and, thus, we know that we stand perfect before God; and (2) we can have the power to overcome temptation just as Jesus did.
The Priestly Garments of Grace Final Words {230}