NATO ASI 2011, Salamanca, Spain, September, 2011 Challenges on Human perception and understanding on situational awareness during future Maritime Security Operation by Capt ITN Andrea Mucedola
Operational environment Is Evolving Increasing complexity Comprehensive approach on Coalition operation
Operational environment C2 concept is evolving Battle of Trafalgar, ADM Horatio Nelson used 3 signal flag hoists to coordinate the fleet 1991 – Operation Desert Storm, Gen. Schwarzkopf used 700,000 phone calls and 152,000 radio messages per day 2010 – AMN, Gen Petraeus leads a coalition using the first ‘coalition network based’ system based on federation of national networks additionally every soldier is connecting via twitter and FB with relatives and friends …. What about INFO security?
Operational environment Increasing complexity Metcalfe's law states that the value of a network is proportional to the square of the number of connected users of the system.
Operational environment Comprehensive approach Traditional definition of C2 is too limited when we approach modern ops. The Comprehensive Approach: the point of war is not just to win but to make a better peace House of Commons Defence Committee Seventh Report of Session 2009–10
Operational environment Command Authoritative act of making decisions and ordering action Overall responsibility for welfare, morale, and discipline of assigned personnel Implies leadership and art of motivating people towards a common objective Control Act of monitoring and influencing actions Technical means in which a commander guides the conduct of operations. Implies SOP and tailoring of the assets to harmonize/optimize military efforts
C2 is traditionally affected by two factors that define the success of every military operation: Uncertainty Time
Uncertainty Knowledge results from people adding meaning to information through the process of cognition then derived from experience, intuition and human judgment
How do we reduce uncertainty? Whatwhowherewhy So what? Gathering of raw data increase the overall knowledge But not provide the certitude because of all unknowns
Time Gathering and processing of information takes time (time limits) when the number and the type of actors increase information gathered by sensors is timely perishable and opponents might take new actions and changing the situation (rapid tempo of modern operations) Gathering and processing of information takes time (time limits) when the number and the type of actors increase information gathered by sensors is timely perishable and opponents might take new actions and changing the situation (rapid tempo of modern operations) ensure decision making and execution faster than the opponent is a must
Cognitive Hierarchy INFORMATION processing Acquire KNOWLEDGE UNDERSTANDING to determine COA DATA gathering
Trans-social and trans- national Social Cognitive Physical
not considered valuable and omitted not seen Data COGNITIVE MODEL
seen by A seen by B Common picture ?
Oper A Omission errors Confusional errors Team Leader Data fused Oper B
Influence of national profiles National Profiles Power distance Masculinity Uncertain Avoidance Long term orientation Individualism
Distance from the power Individualism or collectivism
Collective Egalitarian Hierarchical France Italy South Africa Japan Mexico Singapore Brazil Sweden Israel Finland Germany USA Individual Denmark Norway Ireland Canada Netherland Spain Belgium UK Switzerland India Greece Thailand Turkey Pakistan Argentina Austria Source: Geert Hofsted, Motivation, Leadership, and Organization: Do American Theories Apply Abroad: Organizational Dynamics Australia Philippines Portugal Power Distance
Digital and generational divider
COA Mental models Culture
Trans-national approach Social Domain Cognitive Physical
Today Operational environment Geographical and cultural difference (transnational diversity) How to face the Network generation ? Social Hierarchy approach? What is the best ?
Operational environment Is technology the panacea of all the human limitations or we need to go back to a better human understanding? Cyber Security … How much could we trust computers? What if the cognition processes will be overun by too smart decision making systems?