Short Range Correlations E07006 Run coordinator report SRC-E07006.pdf SRC-E07006.pptx Alexandre Camsonne Hall A meeting March 22 nd 2011
Plan for this week Production for tripple coincidence on He4 – Left HRS 20.3 degrees GeV/c – Right HRS 33.5 degrees GeV/c Small issue with right arm had to increase momentum to have regulation working on Q1 – BigBite 97 degrees 518 A – HAND at 97 degrees
Beam summary ABU 73 hours BANU 22 hours – Main reason of BANU Q1 power supply fixed 4 hours Target cool down 2hours Hall C Moller cooldown 4 hours Additionnal delay on BigBite 4 hours Network 1 hours HV power supply 1 hour BNA 65 hours – ARC power supply
Q1 power suply Jack found that Q1 power supply phases were not correct Swapped the phases Q1 fixed can be ramped to 4 GeV/c without problem
Target Waited for Hall C cool down to pressurize He cell Beam studies moved to Wednesday Hall A He target pressurized on Thursday Moller cool down impact 15 K supply temperature so stopped beam during Moller cooldown One trick to keep Hall A supply low is having also using more 15 K flow Target vented on Monday around 4 PM, fan tripped and heater put power in the loop and the target vented. TO needs to keep an eye on it
Production data Wednesday and Thursday owl : production on reduced pressure target Friday owl production on fully pressurized target – Carbon optics during Hall C cool down – Deuterium run 3 hours – Carbon – He4 production 1.1 C with bad timing 0.2 C since timing fixed
DAQ issues Puzzling fact we did not see any signal in BigBite at the lower Q2 and on Deuterium Timing spectrum not fully understood and difficult to check with low rate of event – Stop of TDC were found to be L1A instead of retiming – BigBite retiming arriving too late
Retiming ADC amplitude versus TDC
Double Coincidences ep on He4 Or Chen
Double Coincidences eN on He4 Or Chen
Tripple coincidences ?
Tripple coincidences ? Igor Korover Run Total time is ~6.6 hours Total charge ~ C
Carbon data HAND BigBite
Deuterium data HAND BigBite
Conclusion The good – Left Q1 fixed – DAQ timing understood and fixed. Thanks to the help of Xin, Brad, Aidan and Larry The bad – Very few statistics on production kinematic about 6 hours. Long accelerator down did not help Overall – Ready for production still need to find optimal current to optimize signal over background