Lesson 2 Keeping Schools Safe Is your school a safe place? Violence in schools threatens the safety of everyone in the school community. You can help.


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 2 Keeping Schools Safe Is your school a safe place? Violence in schools threatens the safety of everyone in the school community. You can help keep your school safe by reporting any behaviors that may lead to violence.

Lesson 2 Describe factors that play a role in school violence Determine actions that individuals, schools, and communities can take to reduce violence In this lesson, you will learn to: Lesson Objectives

Lesson 2 Issues of School Safety Violence in Schools National health goals have been set to reduce physical fighting and the carrying of weapons by adolescents on school property. In order to meet these goals, it’s important to look at some factors that play a role in school violence, such as the following:violence Bullying Sexual harassment Involvement in gangs These incidents should be reported to school personnel at once.

Lesson 2 Bullying Teasing, taunting, or shoving another student or making offensive gestures at him/her are forms of bullying. Issues of School Safety Bullying may cause victims to become depressed, withdrawn, fearful, or angry.Bullying In some instances, ignoring a bully can help stop the behavior.

Lesson 2 Words, jokes, gestures, or touching of a sexual nature are all forms of sexual harassment.sexual harassment Harassment causes embarrassment, discomfort, and emotional pain for the victim. Federal law states that sexual harassment is illegal. Sexual Harassment Issues of School Safety

Lesson 2 Gangs A gang is a group of people who associate with one another to take part in criminal activity. Common gang activities include vandalism, robbery, defacing public property with graffiti, and selling drugs. Gang members may bring weapons or drugs to school, endangering the safety of other students. Issues of School Safety

Lesson 2 Recognizing Warning Signs Reducing the Risk of Violence Being able to recognize the warning signs of violence can help members of a school community address potentially threatening situations before they occur.

Lesson 2 Choose your friends carefully. Avoid being alone. Join or develop a S.A.V.E. (Students Against Violence Everywhere) chapter. Refuse to carry weapons. What You Can Do Report any violent acts or threats of violence. Practice conflict resolution skills. Use refusal skills to resist negative peer pressure. Reducing the Risk of Violence

Lesson 2 What Schools Are Doing Schools have procedures and policies to ensure the safety of students, such as: A zero-tolerance policy, which can require expulsion of students who participate in violence or who are found with drugs or weapons. Using metal detectors. “Closed” campuses. Hiring security guards. Reducing the Risk of Violence

Lesson 2 Peer Mediation Peer mediationPeer mediation sessions typically follow these steps: Making introductions Establishing ground rules Hearing each side Exploring solutions Closing the session Reducing the Risk of Violence

Lesson 2 Parent and Community Involvement Taking part in school events. Volunteering to monitor hallways, rest rooms, and cafeterias. Developing and supporting programs and activities that give teens a safe place to gather. Parents and community members can promote safety in schools by: Reducing the Risk of Violence

Lesson 2 1.bullying 2. peer mediation 3. violence 4. gang membership Quick Review Q. The process in which trained students help other students find fair ways of resolving conflict and settling differences is called _________. Choose the appropriate option.

Lesson 2 A. 2. peer mediation The process in which trained students help other students find fair ways of resolving conflict and settling differences is called peer mediation. Click Next to attempt another question. Quick Review - Answer

Lesson 2 Quick Review Q. Gang members may bring weapons or drugs to school, endangering the safety of other students. Choose the appropriate option. True False

Lesson 2 Quick Review - Answer A. True. Gang members may bring weapons or drugs to school, endangering the safety of other students. Click Next to attempt another question.

Lesson 2 Quick Review Q. Which of the following is not necessarily a warning sign that indicates a person is close to acting in a dangerous manner? 1.Has difficulty controlling anger 2.Disobeys school rules 3.Has gone “Goth” and wears dark clothes 4.Constantly talks about weapons or violence

Lesson 2 Quick Review - Answer A. 3. Has gone “Goth” and wears dark clothes A person is not necessarily close to acting in a dangerous manner if he or she has gone “Goth” and wears dark clothes. Click Next to attempt another question.

Lesson 2 1.Violently confronting anyone you suspect of being a threat, spreading rumors about other students, encouraging fistfights 2.Bringing weapons to school for self-defense, remaining as a spectator whenever a fight erupts, keeping your cell phone on at all times 3.Maintaining a low-fat diet, exercising for at least 30 minutes a day, brushing your teeth after every meal 4.Taking part in school-sponsored events, exploring solutions, choosing friends carefully Quick Review Q. Which of the following are some strategies for avoiding unsafe situations or violence at school?

Lesson 2 Quick Review - Answer A. 4. Taking part in school-sponsored events, exploring solutions, choosing friends carefully Some strategies for avoiding unsafe situations include the following: taking part in school-sponsored events, exploring solutions, choosing your friends carefully. Click Next to attempt another question.

Lesson 2 End of Lesson 2 Click Home to view the Main menu.

Lesson 2 A. Correct! The process in which trained students help other students find fair ways of resolving conflict and settling differences is called peer mediation. Click Next to attempt another question. Quick Review - Answer

Lesson 2 You have answered the question incorrectly. Go back to try again, or click Next to view the correct answer. Quick Review - Answer

Lesson 2 A. Correct! Gang members may bring weapons or drugs to school, endangering the safety of other students. Click Next to attempt another question. Quick Review - Answer

Lesson 2 You have answered the question incorrectly. Go back to try again, or click Next to view the correct answer. Quick Review - Answer

Lesson 2 A. Correct! A person is not necessarily close to acting in a dangerous manner if he or she has gone “Goth” and wears dark clothes. Click Next to attempt another question. Quick Review - Answer

Lesson 2 You have answered the question incorrectly. Go back to try again, or click Next to view the correct answer. Quick Review - Answer

Lesson 2 A. Correct! Some strategies for avoiding unsafe situations include the following: taking part in school-sponsored events, exploring solutions, choosing your friends carefully. Click Next to attempt another question. Quick Review - Answer

Lesson 2 You have answered the question incorrectly. Go back to try again, or click Next to view the correct answer. Quick Review - Answer

Lesson 2 These incidents should be reported to school personnel at once. National health goals have been set to reduce physical fighting and the carrying of weapons by adolescents on school property. Violence in Schools In order to meet these goals, it’s important to look at some factors that play a role in school violence, such as the following:violence Issues of School Safety Bullying Sexual harassment Involvement in gangs Violence is the threatened or actual use of physical force or power to harm another person or to damage property. Violence is the threatened or actual use of physical force or power to harm another person or to damage property.

Lesson 2 Bullying may cause victims to become depressed, withdrawn, fearful, or angry.Bullying In some instances, ignoring a bully can help stop the behavior. Teasing, taunting, or shoving another student or making offensive gestures at him/her are forms of bullying. Bullying is the act of seeking power or attention through the psychological, emotional, or physical abuse of another person. Bullying Issues of School Safety

Lesson 2 Words, jokes, gestures, or touching of a sexual nature are all forms of sexual harassment.sexual harassment Harassment causes embarrassment, discomfort, and emotional pain for the victim. Federal law states that sexual harassment is illegal. Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment is referred to as uninvited and unwelcome sexual conduct directed at another person. Issues of School Safety

Lesson 2 Making introductions Establishing ground rules Hearing each side Exploring solutions Closing the session Peer Mediation Peer mediationPeer mediation sessions typically follow these steps: Peer mediation is a process in which trained students help other students find fair ways to resolve conflict and settle their differences. Peer mediation is a process in which trained students help other students find fair ways to resolve conflict and settle their differences. Reducing the Risk of Violence