Working Together to Combat Bullying in Our School
Bullying is “intentional hurtful behavior, repeated over time.” Physical. Verbal. Emotional. Bullying can be
Bullying is “intentional hurtful behavior, repeated over time.” Be out in the open or subtle. Involve a single bully or a group. Take place on cell phones and computers. Bullying can
Bullying causes victims to be Afraid. Ashamed. Angry. Embarrassed. The actions of bullies DO hurt children and affect their ability to learn.
Bullying is a growing problem. In general, schools are safer. But bullying is on the rise.
Bullying is a growing problem. 32% of middle and high school students said they had been bullied.
Bullying is a growing problem. According to the National Institutes of Health, a child is bullied on the playground every 7 minutes.
No relief for victims of bullying. Text messages. Social networking. Other technology. Bullies use
Anyone can be a bully All ages. Boys and girls. All levels of the school’s social pecking order.
Bullying Absences Every day, bullying causes 160,000 students to miss school.
Bullying Problems in school Victims often experience a decline in grades.
Bullying Violence Tragically, bullying has led some students to take their own lives or the lives of others.
We want our students to understand Bullying hurts everyone. We won’t condone it. Adults will always be there to help. Bullying is NOT “cool” or the thing to do.
Parents have a key role to play Parents have a key role to play to combat bullying.
Do not call the parents of the other student. What should you do if your child tells you he’s being bullied?
If your child is a victim Where does this bullying occur? When? Gather as much information as you can
If your child is a victim Write down the facts. Make copies of any text messages or pages from social networking sites. Gather as much information as you can
If your child is a victim Talk with your child’s teacher. Ask if anyone has noticed changes in her behavior. Meet with our staff
If your child is a victim Explain your concerns. Share the information you gathered. Ask how you and the school can work together. Share information
If your child is a victim Act as if comments don’t bother him. Talk with your child Urge him not to retaliate.
If your child is a victim “Unplug” from social media. Be sure he has a chance to do things he enjoys. Talk with your child
Warning signs include Not wanting to go to school. Sudden change in behavior. Repeated loss of personal belongings.
Warning signs include Unexplained injuries. Sudden drop in school performance.
If you are the parent of a bully Talk with your child. Let him know that bullying is unacceptable. Set consequences. Don’t ignore your suspicions
If you are the parent of a bully Do they think your child could be bullying other students? Ask the school to contact you. Talk with the school
If you are the parent of a bully Let the school know you support the school-wide effort to combat bullying.
If you are the parent of a bully Have complete access to your child’s social networking sites or cell phone. Monitor technology Move the computer out of her bedroom. Take away her cell phone if necessary.
If you are the parent of a bully Treat others with respect, courtesy and empathy. You are a role model
88% of students said they had witnessed bullying at their school. When bystanders keep silent, a bully feels more powerful.
Always report bullying to an adult. Show her disapproval. Tell the bully to stop. Support the victim. Encourage your child to If you are the parent of a bystander
What if you simply want to do everything you can to make sure your child is neither a bully nor a victim?
Know our school’s policy on bullying. Check the student handbook or school website. Discuss these rules at home. Learn the rules
Review existing law NJ Anti-Bullying Law Most strict in the nation Passed in November 2010 Signed by Gov. in January 2010 TOOK EFFECT SEPTEMBER 1 st, 2011
What does the law mean? Gives a clear definition of bullying Places importance on School Climate Requires Transparency Sets Protocols and Deadlines Includes Consequences What does the law mean? Gives a clear definition of bullying Places importance on School Climate Requires Transparency Sets Protocols and Deadlines Includes Consequences
Our District Policy HIB Defines bullying as: “any gesture, any written, verbal, physical act, or electronic communication” based on “perceived characteristics of target such as race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, ….” that takes place on school grounds, school sponsored functions, school bus, or off school grounds, in accordance with the law, that substantially disrupts or interferes with the orderly operation of the school or the rights of other students
Our District Policy Individuals involved in Investigation Victim Perpretator Bystanders Principal Anti-Bullying District Coordinator (leads Anti-Bullying Specialists, Revises Policy, makes District level changes) School Anti-Bullying Specialist (chairs safety committee in SLC, “go-to” person for bullying) Safety Team (fosters in-school involvement by taking part in clubs, contests, etc to involve everyone, lead by Anti-Bully Specialist
Investigations Anti-Bully Specialist or Principal Investigate immediately Same day verbal report to principal Follow up two days later Investigation completed within 10 days Two days later principal sends report to State Superintendent Written report to parent 5 days later Parent can request a hearing within 10 days BOE releases report at next BOE meeting Appeals to State Commissioner 90 Days after hearing
Principals must: Inform parents and all guardians involved within 24 hours Discipline Imposed (based on Code of Conduct)
Let your child know that the school takes bullying seriously—and so do you.
When children know that bullying is unacceptable, they are unlikely to become bullies. Communicate your values
Let’s work together to make this a safe school for everyone.