Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 3 Teens and Suicide Chapter 5 Mental and Emotional Problems 1 << BACK NEXT >> HOME During an average day in the United States, about twelve people aged 15 to 24 commit suicide. For many, suicide is a way of showing how much they are hurting. Suicide can often be prevented if people learn to recognize risk factors and warning signs.
Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 3 Teens and Suicide Chapter 5 Mental and Emotional Problems 2 << BACK NEXT >> HOME The major risk factors for teen suicide are depression, other mental disorders, and substance abuse. Suicide Risk Factors
Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 3 Teens and Suicide Chapter 5 Mental and Emotional Problems 3 << BACK NEXT >> HOME Suicide Risk Factors Most teens who attempt suicide suffer symptoms of depression. Feelings of despair may lead a person to believe that death offers the only escape from the problems. With appropriate treatment, depression lifts and thoughts of suicide decrease.
Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 3 Teens and Suicide Chapter 5 Mental and Emotional Problems 4 << BACK NEXT >> HOME Suicide Risk Factors These factors put teens at risk for suicide: –Substance abuse. –Mental disorders. –A family history of mental illness or suicide. –Abuse or violence within the family. –Living in a home where guns are present.
Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 3 Teens and Suicide Chapter 5 Mental and Emotional Problems 5 << BACK NEXT >> HOME Suicide Risk Factors These factors also put teens at risk for suicide: –Spending time in prison. –Witnessing suicidal behaviors of others. –Feeling alone or isolated. –Major life stresses, such as the death of a loved one.
Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 3 Teens and Suicide Chapter 5 Mental and Emotional Problems 6 << BACK NEXT >> HOME Anyone talking about suicide should be taken seriously. Share your concerns with a trusted adult. Preventing Suicide
Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 3 Teens and Suicide Chapter 5 Mental and Emotional Problems 7 << BACK NEXT >> HOME Preventing Suicide Suicide is preventable. Most people who attempt suicide do not want to die but can’t see any other way out of their problems. By learning to recognize the warning signs of suicide, you may be able to save a life.
Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 3 Teens and Suicide Chapter 5 Mental and Emotional Problems 8 << BACK NEXT >> HOME Warning Signs Warning signs of suicide include: –Expressing feelings of depression, hopelessness, or guilt. –Giving away valued possessions. –Loss of interest in everyday activities. –Self-inflicted injuries, such as cutting. Preventing Suicide
Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 3 Teens and Suicide Chapter 5 Mental and Emotional Problems 9 << BACK NEXT >> HOME Warning Signs Warning signs of suicide also include: –Sudden lift of depression after deciding on suicide as a “solution” to problems. –Thinking, talking, writing about death in a vague or casual way. Preventing Suicide
Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 3 Teens and Suicide Chapter 5 Mental and Emotional Problems 10 << BACK NEXT >> HOME Facts and Myths Myths related to suicide include: –“Only young people are at risk.” –“They aren’t serious.” –“There’s no way to stop them.” –“It’s dangerous to talk about suicide with them.” Preventing Suicide
Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 3 Teens and Suicide Chapter 5 Mental and Emotional Problems 11 << BACK NEXT >> HOME How to Help Reach out and honestly talk with the person you are concerned about. Try to help him or her see that there are solutions to their problems. Do not promise to keep a friend’s suicidal thoughts a secret. Tell a trusted adult immediately. Preventing Suicide
Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 3 Teens and Suicide Chapter 5 Mental and Emotional Problems 12 << BACK NEXT >> HOME How to Help Take immediate action. Call 911 or a local emergency number if you suspect someone may make a suicide attempt. Stay with the person until help arrives unless your own safety is at risk. Preventing Suicide
Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 3 Teens and Suicide Chapter 5 Mental and Emotional Problems 13 << BACK NEXT >> HOME How to Help It is normal to feel grief and depression if a friend commits suicide. After a friend or loved one commits suicide, you may need counseling to deal with the grief. Cluster suicides may occur if the friends of someone who commits suicide decide to attempt suicide as well. Preventing Suicide
Glencoe Making Life Choices Section 3 Teens and Suicide Chapter 5 Mental and Emotional Problems 14 << BACK NEXT >> HOME How to Help Suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problems. Preventing Suicide Home End of Chapter 5 Section 3