March 23 and March 24
Go to your assigned seat Start reading the handout on asteroids, meteors and comets Write 3 facts you learned about each This will be checked today for a grade! Anyone out our their seat will receive silent lunch!
NOTES: Astronomical Unit (AU)= The Earth’s average distance from the sun Approximately 93 million miles away
We will take notes. I will pass out the sheet and complete the front together as a group We will take notes. I will pass out the sheet and complete the front together as a group The back will be a quiz that you will take on your own. The back will be a quiz that you will take on your own.
tch?v=kAJHVII3_-0 Front we will do together. Pay attention this will help you with the questions on the back
Add entry to table of contents Call it “Brain Pop Solar System Worksheet” Finish for homework !
4 Terrestrial Planets: inner planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars 4 Gas Giants: outer planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
What things surprised you during your research on the 8 planets? Let’s look at each category on the sheet and quickly talk about what they mean. 1-What planet is the largest? (diameter) 2-What planet has the most moons? (# moons) 3-What planet is closest to the Sun? (location) 4-Which planet has the largest mountain? (key fact) 5Which planet has clouds of ammonia? (key fact)
6 Which is the windiest planet with winds up to 1,200 mph (key facts) 7-Which of the terrestrial planets is the largest? (diameter) 8-Which of the gas giants is the smallest? (diameter) 9-Which planet has the longest days? (length of a day) 10 Which planet is cold on one side and hot on the other? (key fact) 11 Which planet can sustain life?
The Sun and 8 Planets Multiple moons Asteroids, Meteors and Comets Dust, gases and empty space. Today we look at asteroids, meteors, and comets.
What is an asteroid? What is a comet? What is a Meteorite? Let’s look and see
We are reading instead of taking notes on this. Be respectful and quiet When I call your name make sure you are ready to read. Hold onto this article and staple or glue into notebook at end of class. This will replace what notes we would have taken.
Asteroids: chunks of rock left over from when the planets formed Largest of the solar system bodies Most common in the ASTEROID BELT (located between Mars and Jupiter)
steroids/ steroids/
Comets: asteroid-like objects covered in dust, ice, gases, and metals that develop a fuzzy, cloud-like shell called a coma when they orbit close to the sun, the ice instantly melts, creating a long, visible tail (sometimes called a dirty snowball) Form far away from the Sun
omets/ omets/
Meteoroid: Large pieces from an asteroid or comet Most burn up and never reach Earth
Meteor: A meteoroid that burns up as it passes through our atmosphere. Creates a flash of light, known as ‘shooting stars’ Smallest of the solar system bodies
Meteorite: A meteoroid that does not burn up as it travels through the Earth’s atmosphere It lands and crashes onto the Earth.
atch?v=dpmXyJrs7iU atch?v=dpmXyJrs7iU VIDEO IN RUSSIA
Directions: 1. Each statement gives you a hint for which one it is. 2. The words can be used more than once. 3. Use your notes to help you fill in the blanks
You will work on the following activities for the remainder of class…. Brain Pop worksheet (both sides) “I am” activity I will pass the 2 staplers around so make sure you staple your solar system handout into your notebook
Be sure to pay close attention
You will be assigned either 1-Comet 2-Asteroid 3-Meteor 4-Meteorite
At least 4 facts in your poster and a drawing of your
Mr. Parr Solar System 4_eVNA
Follow along as I project the information onto the whiteboard
Bill Nye and the distance between the planets Bill Nye and the distance between the planets h?v=97Ob0xR0Ut8 h?v=97Ob0xR0Ut8
EARTH SCIENCE: SOLAR SYSTEM Intro of Solar System Planets of Solar System