By: Makayla Powell
Saturn’s average temperature is -285*. We would be frozen! Brrrrrr… Wind speeds have been measured more than 1,000 mph. Considerably higher than Jupiter.
Saturn is made up of 94% hydrogen and 6% helium. It is one of the Gas Planets.
Saturn has 62 moons. 30 of them are named. 2 of the most common moons are Titan and Enceladus.
A day on Saturn is 10 hours and 39 minutes. That’s less than half an Earth day.
A year on Saturn is 10,832 Earth days. That’s 29.7 Earth years.
Saturn is 890,700,000 miles from the sun. That is 1,433,000,000 kilometers from the sun.
Saturn is 9.44 times that of Earth. That’s almost ten time that of Earth. It is the 2 nd biggest Planet
Saturn’s equilateral diameter is 120,536 kilometers.
Did you know that Saturn is the 6 th Planet away from the sun? Saturn’s rings were first seen by Galileo in 1610 during the first telescope observations of this Planet. The Solar System Poster