Renwick Williams and Alexandra Hernandez Neptune Renwick Williams and Alexandra Hernandez
Distance From The Sun 4,496 million km from the sun.
Diameter of Neptune 49,620 diameters
Gravity on Neptune The surface gravity of Neptune is 1.14 times the gravity on Earth.
Rotations around the sun 164.8 years
Rotation on axis 6 hours, 6 minutes,, 36 seconds
Number of moons and names Neptune has 13 moons and their names are Nadiad, Thalassa, Despina, Galatea, larisaa, Proteus, Triton, Nerid, Halimede, sao, Laomedeia, Psamathe, Neso.
Planet composition Gas, Hellum, Hydrogen, Trace, varios ices, ammonia, methane, and water ice
Gases in atmosphere The atmosphere of Neptune is simular to all the larpe planets in the solar system it mostly consists of hydrogen and helium.
Weather on planet Neptune is some of the most violent weather in the solar system. The temperatures plunge down to 55 kelvin, or 218 degrees celius.
Average temp In day time: 230 C. In night time: 400 C.
Interesting facts Neptune is the most distant planet in 1846.
Comparison of Earth to Neptune A living planet Date of discovery Unknown Atmosphere: Nitrogen, Oxygen The mean temperature 15oC Neptune A planet without life Date of discovery September 23, 1846 Atmosphere: Hydrogen, Helium, Methane The mean temperature 215oC (58 K)
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