Author : Madelynn GOODMANSON Saturn Author : Madelynn GOODMANSON
Introduction I choose my planet to be Saturn . Saturn has a lot of cool facts .I am researching Saturn’s location, physical data, and interesting facts.
Location Facts Saturn takes 10,759.2 days to orbit the sun once. Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun .Saturn is the second of the outer planets.
Physical Data Saturn’s rings are made up of ice rock and dust . Saturn is a gas planet made up of hydrogen and helium. If Saturn were hollow 750 Earth’s would fit in it ,it is the second biggest planet.
Interesting Facts Saturn’s rings are less than 3 miles thick and 170,00 miles thick across. The ice ,rock ,and dust that make up Saturn’s rings can be the size of a finger nail to the size of a house. Saturn was named after a Greek god of farming.
Conclusion I choose my planet to be Saturn because it has a lot of cool facts .I researched Saturn’s location ,physical data ,and interesting facts.
Work cited I used our solar system by scholastic , ,