Cultural Considerations for BPM and other Methodologies Hany Atchan Ph.D., PMP November 29th, /29/2011Cultural Considerations for BPM1
What is Culture Organizational culture is “the pattern of shared basic assumptions - invented, discovered, or developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal integration - that has worked well enough to be considered valid and therefore to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems”. – Schein, E. (1985). Organizational Culture and Leadership. San Francisco, CA, Jossey Bass. It is the set of values, symbols, interpretations, beliefs, and perspectives that distinguish one group of people from another in modernized societies; it is not material objects and other tangible aspects of human societies. 11/29/2011Cultural Considerations for BPM2
5 Values, perspectives, beliefs, and symbols Thinking/behavioral patterns & strategies Formed by responding and adapting They worked and are considered valid Taught & reinforced What is Culture 11/29/2011Cultural Considerations for BPM3
11/29/2011Cultural Considerations for BPM4 Uniqueness Learning Unlearning Re-learning Folklore and history Founders impact Differences among cultures Macro vs. Micro cultures How Do Cultures Form?
What Motivates People Hierarchy of Needs Abraham Maslow, d. 1970
Distance from Power Individualism vs. collectivism Masculinity vs. femininity Uncertainty avoidance Short-term vs. long-term orientation 11/29/2011Cultural Considerations for BPM6 Geert Hofstede’s 5-D Cultural Model
Distance from Power Individualism vs. collectivism Masculinity vs. femininity Uncertainty avoidance Short-term vs. long-term orientation 11/29/2011Cultural Considerations for BPM7 Geert Hofstede’s 5-D Cultural Model Group cohesiveness, in- group membership, and unquestioning loyalty in exchange for protection.
Distance from Power Individualism vs. collectivism Masculinity vs. femininity Uncertainty avoidance Short-term vs. long-term orientation 11/29/2011Cultural Considerations for BPM8 Geert Hofstede’s 5-D Cultural Model Accept inequality (from below) in power distribution; Acceptance of inequality translates into desire for control in one’s personal life
Distance from Power Individualism vs. collectivism Masculinity vs. femininity Uncertainty avoidance Short-term vs. long-term orientation 11/29/2011Cultural Considerations for BPM9 Geert Hofstede’s 5-D Cultural Model Feminine cultures tend to be more submissive. Masculine cultures are assertive and driven.
Distance from Power Individualism vs. collectivism Masculinity vs. femininity Uncertainty avoidance Short-term vs. long-term orientation 11/29/2011Cultural Considerations for BPM10 Geert Hofstede’s 5-D Cultural Model Degree of comfort in unstructured situations. Risk-averse, does not accept change, and thrives on repeatability.
Distance from Power Individualism vs. collectivism Masculinity vs. femininity Uncertainty avoidance Short-term vs. long-term orientation 11/29/2011Cultural Considerations for BPM11 Geert Hofstede’s 5-D Cultural Model Respect for truth and perseverance vs. tradition, social obligation, and “face- saving”. (China, Taiwan, & Japan have largest LT score)
11/29/2011Cultural Considerations for BPM12 Comparing Macro Cultures
Characteristics of Cultural Groups 11/29/2011Cultural Considerations for BPM13 Motivated by external forces Believes in collective effort Disciplined in following Central C&C as long as perception of fairness Democracy works for a time BPM-like methodologies most effective Unquestioned obedience to Central C&C Pride in group achievement Democracy is wrong Willing to live with inconsistencies Fairness is relative Very sensitive to distance from power Democracy is a must! Very few standards and guidelines are acceptable High Cohesiveness/Social influence Democracy may be used to control them but very risky! Individualistic Collectivist Rebellious Conforming
What is BPM? A process of managing your business processes A management discipline. A technology or set of technologies A rapid application development framework BPM vs. BPI vs. BAP It Depends whom you ask! 11/29/2011Cultural Considerations for BPM14
11/29/2011Cultural Considerations for BPM15 What is BPM?
ABPMP: An ongoing organizational commitment to meeting the organization’s performance goals by managing its processes. It involves a continuous, feedback loop to ensure the organization’s business processes are aligned to its strategy and performing to expectations. 11/29/2011Cultural Considerations for BPM16
Business Process Management Communication Sequencing Repeatability/Consistency Enabling Change& Transformation BPM is primarily “sold” as a catalyst for Organizational Improvements, with the specific goals of increasing efficiency and profitability. Main Purposes 11/29/2011Cultural Considerations for BPM17
Discrete Task Definition Background and Assumptions Scientific management Efficiency movement (Fredrick Taylor, d. 1915) Automation of tasks Cultural Assumptions – Ability to select from a large pool of workers – Trainable workforce – Availability of HR remedies – Workers are not motivated by internal factors and therefore management needs to use external motivators (the carrot & the Stick) 11/29/2011Cultural Considerations for BPM18
Methodologies such as BPM are: Cultures (especially in service organizations): LogicalPeople-driven SequentialEmotional Efficiency-driven (mechanistic)Experiential, Historical Assuming!Evolving Left-brainedRight-brained 11/29/2011Cultural Considerations for BPM19 The Big Gap! It’s amazing that methodologies like BPM work at all!
11/29/2011Cultural Considerations for BPM20 How to Plant
Processes and Methodologies Assess Readiness to AcceptConsider Organizational Maturity Develop a unifying Purpose Individual ValuesEmotion-driven Decisions Can You Change a Culture? Understand the folkloreChallenge carefully 11/29/2011Cultural Considerations for BPM21
11/29/2011Cultural Considerations for BPM22 No Methodology is culture-neutral! Know your culture or your methodology will be stuck in neutral! Conclusion
11/29/2011Cultural Considerations for BPM23 THANK YOU! Cell