Melanie Pereira Michael Veronsky Neptune This is a picture of Neptune. Neptune has a dark spot. Melanie Pereira Michael Veronsky
Neptune’s symbol Galle and d’Arrest discovered Neptune. Neptune got its name because Roman God of the sea named Neptune.
Neptune Neptune is the eighth planet from the sun. Neptune is 2,794 million kilometers away from the sun. It takes 60,196 days to orbit around the sun. A day on Neptune is 16 hours.
Moons Neptune has 13 moons: Triton, Nereid, Naiad, Thalassa, Despina,Galatea, Larissa, Proteus, Halimede, Psamathe, Sao, Laomedeia, and Neso.
NEPTUNE Neptune is blue and has a great dark spot. It’s about the size as Uranus. Neptune has four thin rings. It’s the coldest planet in the solar system. I weigh 75.3 on Neptune.
Rings Neptune has four faint rings. Neptune’s rings were first discovered in 1984 in Chile by Patrice Bouchet.
Exploration On August 25, 1989 Neptune was visited by Voyager 2. Voyager 2 revealed fascinating details about Triton. One of the fascinating details is Triton has a volcano that spews out ice and water. Another fascinating detail of Triton is that it is the largest moon on our solar system.
Interesting Facts Neptune is made of gases. Neptune’s moon, Triton is the coldest moon. A day on Neptune is 16 Earth hours. Neptune does not have a solid surface. Neptune also has a small dark spot. The winds on Neptune can reach 600 miles [1,000 kilometers] per hour.
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