THE WEEK AHEAD… Tuesday – Value Judgments & Stereotypes Take-home assignment due Friday Wednesday – Teenage Culture Making our Time Capsule & Class Prezi Thursday – Developing a Culture Friday – Friendship & Culture We will also watch TABOO video Outsiders (4 th Hour)Gross Food (7 th Hour)
8-WEEK GOAL Finishing on a strong note Remember… “Take vs. Attend”
PERCEPTION, VALUE JUDGMENTS, AND STEREOTYPES Anthropologists use the tools of observation and analysis to study human behavior and culture. How is this good? How is this bad? Stereotypes
GRAB YOUR TEXTBOOKS page 209 and handout 5-A Please follow directions
As American as Apple Pie, right? American or Foreign?
CLOCK Medieval Europe
SOAP Ancient Gaul (now France)
ORANGES Mediterranean Europe
CEREAL Middle East
STEAM RADIATOR 100% American!
BATHTUB Roman Empire
6-MINUTE READING EXERCISE pages Look for the definitions of CULTURE and DYNAMIC Add: ETHNOCENTRISM Provide some examples of subcultures in Weyauwega-Fremont
Is this culture?
HAVE YOU NOTICED? People often use labels or categories to describe others. The way we apply these labels can be based on such characteristics as clothing, looks, the way a person talks, or the groups to which he/she belongs. This way of categorizing things or people is a natural human trait; however, people often make assumptions about groups of people they don't even know. WHY?
HAVE YOU NOTICED? Let’s brainstorm some categories that are used here at school to group people.
WHAT IS CULTURE? Culture refers to the entire way a society lives and is organized. Includes: Values, ideas, customs, norms, attitudes, social institutions, music & art, language, technology, and traditions. V I C N A Si Ma L T T
SO WHAT IS “TEENAGE CULTURE”? Do you understand those who are your own age… in your own community?
SO WHAT IS “TEENAGE CULTURE”? ‘Take 10’ and talk about…. The Business World Transportation Language Peer groups & friendship The family Religion Music & Art Education
LET’S MAKE A TIME CAPSULE What do we need and why?
2012 WEGA TIME CAPSULE What artifacts will best represent Wega culture at this point in time and why? If you could add five things to this time capsule, what would you add? NOTE: This involves a writing assignment
DEVELOPING A CULTURE Count off 1 – Directions are on page Take 15 minutes to read and work within your group Your goal is to construct the basic elements of a viable society, which accommodates the basic needs of its members.
HOW DOES A CULTURE WORK? Every culture is made up of two parts Material Culture Nonmaterial Culture
MATERIAL CULTURE The things which a society uses ClothingShelter Kinds of transportation Communication Other things used for both survival and enjoyment
MATERIAL CULTURE Also includes TECHNOLOGY tools, machines, and knowledge of how to make things
NON MATERIAL CULTURE Includes society’s ideas and values Rules of behavior (Norms) Folkways, Mores, Laws
HOW DOES A CULTURE CHANGE? Invention Innovation Cultural diffusion
HOW DOES A CULTURE CHANGE? #1 - Invention A new ideas about how something can be made or done
HOW DOES A CULTURE CHANGE? #2 - Innovation An improvement in a culture’s technology When inventions are accepted, great changes took place in society
HOW DOES A CULTURE CHANGE? #3 – Cultural Diffusion Ideas from one culture spread to other cultures Russian Classroom
8-MINUTE READING pages Pay attention to the stories of paper and jeans Look for the definition of CULTURE PATTERNS A T ABOO is an action or belief that goes against the traditional laws of society A CULTURE PATTERN is a grouping of culture traits
FRIENDSHIP & CULTURE What we’re trying to accomplish here… Discuss the parts of a culture Explain how cultures change Discuss the concept of friendship in our culture Understand that the concept of friendship varies from culture to culture
From the 1980s
What is a friend? What makes a friend special in our culture? Are friends expected to act differently in cultures in other parts of the world? Experiment 5-G (pages )
LANGUAGEANDCULTURELANGUAGEANDCULTURE How important is language to culture? The Young AncestorsWhat about Body Language GesturesDialect Accent Slang Slang in The Wild One Strange Words
LANGUAGE AND CULTURE Can anyone communicate an idea without using words?