The Kingdom of God The Mediatorial Kingdom in the Four Gospels Part III
United King. Northern Kingdom Southern Kingdom 722 BC 586 BC The Mediatorial Kingdom of God through History 7 “Mysteries of the Kingdom” (Matt 13) Prophets
The Mediatorial Kingdom in the Four Gospels The interpretive relation between the Old and New Testaments The interpretive relation between the Old and New Testaments The announcement of the kingdom The announcement of the kingdom The identity of this announced kingdom The identity of this announced kingdom The rejection of the king and His kingdom The rejection of the king and His kingdom Christ’s ministry in preparation for the Interregnum Christ’s ministry in preparation for the Interregnum
Christ’s Ministry in Preparation for the Interregnum In a new series of parables, Christ sets forth the mystery form which the Kingdom will assume during the interregnum. In a new series of parables, Christ sets forth the mystery form which the Kingdom will assume during the interregnum. Our Lord announces the building of a new thing – His church. McClain understands “keys to the kingdom” as describing special authority in the future kingdom of heaven Our Lord announces the building of a new thing – His church. McClain understands “keys to the kingdom” as describing special authority in the future kingdom of heaven Our Lord begins definitely to instruct the disciples about the necessity of His death and resurrection. Our Lord begins definitely to instruct the disciples about the necessity of His death and resurrection. Christ also reassures the disciples that His impending death will not mean any adandonment of the Kingdom, and now indicates explicitly that its establishment will be connected with a second coming of the king. Christ also reassures the disciples that His impending death will not mean any adandonment of the Kingdom, and now indicates explicitly that its establishment will be connected with a second coming of the king. Furthermore, in unmistakable words our Lord also declares that His disciples will yet have their promised share in the kingdom when established on earth (Matt 19:27ff). Furthermore, in unmistakable words our Lord also declares that His disciples will yet have their promised share in the kingdom when established on earth (Matt 19:27ff). To correct a current expectation that the kingdom would come immediately, Christ outlines in parabolic form the facts of its present rejection, the interval of its delay, and its future arrival (Luke 19:11-28). To correct a current expectation that the kingdom would come immediately, Christ outlines in parabolic form the facts of its present rejection, the interval of its delay, and its future arrival (Luke 19:11-28).
Christ’s Ministry in Preparation for the Interregnum Although His rejection had now become historically certain, our Lord nevertheless proceeds to Jerusalem, there to offer Himself officially and finally as the King of the messianic kingdom in exact fulfillment of prophecy.
Christ’s Ministry in Preparation for the Interregnum The journey to Jerusalem The journey to Jerusalem The logical place for Christ’s messiahship to be heralded.The logical place for Christ’s messiahship to be heralded. The fact that the offer would be rejected does not overrule the necessity of its being made.The fact that the offer would be rejected does not overrule the necessity of its being made. Preparation for His arrival Preparation for His arrival Christ sends out 70 heralds to announce the kingdom in the cities that He Himself will visit on His way to Jerusalem (Luke 10:1).Christ sends out 70 heralds to announce the kingdom in the cities that He Himself will visit on His way to Jerusalem (Luke 10:1). This mission, along with the raising of Lazarus, resulted in large crowds along the way as Christ made His way to Jerusalem….and greater opposition by Israel’s religious leaders.This mission, along with the raising of Lazarus, resulted in large crowds along the way as Christ made His way to Jerusalem….and greater opposition by Israel’s religious leaders. It was also Passover, so there were Jews at Jerusalem from all over the Roman Empire.It was also Passover, so there were Jews at Jerusalem from all over the Roman Empire.
Christ’s Ministry in Preparation for the Interregnum The royal entrance into Jerusalem The royal entrance into Jerusalem As Christ draws close to Jerusalem, He sends two disciples ahead to get the colt of a donkey with its mother, in fulfillment of Zechariah’s prophecy (Matt 21:4-5 with Zech 9:9).As Christ draws close to Jerusalem, He sends two disciples ahead to get the colt of a donkey with its mother, in fulfillment of Zechariah’s prophecy (Matt 21:4-5 with Zech 9:9). The actions and praises of the people indicated their awareness of the regal meaning of our Lord’s entry into Jerusalem (Matthew 21:8; John 12:13).The actions and praises of the people indicated their awareness of the regal meaning of our Lord’s entry into Jerusalem (Matthew 21:8; John 12:13). “And the multitudes going before Him, and those who followed after were crying out, saying, ‘Hosanna to the Son of David; Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest!’” (Matt 21:9; cf. Mark 11:10; Luke 19:38; John 12:13). The Pharisees request that Christ rebuke His followers for these words.The Pharisees request that Christ rebuke His followers for these words. Christ’s reply? “Christ’s reply? “And He answered and said, ‘I tell you, if these become silent, the stones will cry out!” (Luke 19:40). Christ laments over the city, realizing that in a few short hours that their shouts of joy will turn to a demand for His death (Luke 19:41-44).Christ laments over the city, realizing that in a few short hours that their shouts of joy will turn to a demand for His death (Luke 19:41-44). Christ cleansed the temple a second time and healed those who came to Him in the temple, both acts that asserted His messianic authority for all Israel to see.Christ cleansed the temple a second time and healed those who came to Him in the temple, both acts that asserted His messianic authority for all Israel to see.
Christ’s Ministry in Preparation for the Interregnum Following His triumphal entry, Christ speaks a new series of parables about the kingdom; and after a final conflict with Israel’s rulers, He utters His last lament and judgment over the city of Jerusalem Following His triumphal entry, Christ speaks a new series of parables about the kingdom; and after a final conflict with Israel’s rulers, He utters His last lament and judgment over the city of Jerusalem The new series of kingdom parables.The new series of kingdom parables. The first three directed against the leaders of Israel who had challenged His divine authority (the two sons, the wicked husbandmen, and the king’s marriage feast in Matthew 21 and 22). The first three directed against the leaders of Israel who had challenged His divine authority (the two sons, the wicked husbandmen, and the king’s marriage feast in Matthew 21 and 22). The other four given to his disciples (the budding fig tree, the faithful and unfaithful servants, the ten virgins, and the talents). The other four given to his disciples (the budding fig tree, the faithful and unfaithful servants, the ten virgins, and the talents). These parables are followed by explicit teaching on the coming kingdom in Matthew 25: These parables are followed by explicit teaching on the coming kingdom in Matthew 25: The final conflict with Israel’s rulers (Matt 22:17ff) concerning His own claim to deity – a claim for which He would be put to death (Matt 26:63-66). This leads to a public and very severe verbal scourging of Israel’s leaders (Matt 23:1-36).The final conflict with Israel’s rulers (Matt 22:17ff) concerning His own claim to deity – a claim for which He would be put to death (Matt 26:63-66). This leads to a public and very severe verbal scourging of Israel’s leaders (Matt 23:1-36). The king’s final lament over Jerusalem (Matt 23:37-39).The king’s final lament over Jerusalem (Matt 23:37-39).
Christ’s Ministry in Preparation for the Interregnum In His last and longest eschatological discourse, our Lord now unfolds more fully the prophetic program of the end, revealing particularly the parenthesis of time and events which must intervene between His departure and the beginning of the end. In His last and longest eschatological discourse, our Lord now unfolds more fully the prophetic program of the end, revealing particularly the parenthesis of time and events which must intervene between His departure and the beginning of the end.
Questions Which Prompt the Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24:1-3) When will these things be? When will these things be? What will be the sign of your coming? What will be the sign of your coming? What will be the sign of the end of the age? What will be the sign of the end of the age?
Two Distinct Issues in the Olivet Discourse There are two distinct events described in the Olivet Discourse: There are two distinct events described in the Olivet Discourse: The judgment that will come upon Jerusalem, including the destruction of the temple.The judgment that will come upon Jerusalem, including the destruction of the temple. The return of Christ and consummation of the age.The return of Christ and consummation of the age. Luke describes the former in his account (Luke 21:12-24), while Matthew focuses more on the latter (Matt 24:4-44). Luke describes the former in his account (Luke 21:12-24), while Matthew focuses more on the latter (Matt 24:4-44).
Christ’s Ministry in Preparation for the Interregnum The last hours of the King’s ministry before His death are spent in intimate and loving fellowship with His disciples, during which He prepares them for the interval of His absence and interregnum. The last hours of the King’s ministry before His death are spent in intimate and loving fellowship with His disciples, during which He prepares them for the interval of His absence and interregnum. The last supper with the disciples.The last supper with the disciples. Five times during this supper He mentions the kingdom of God, and all five are with reference to the future (Luke 22:16-18, 29-30; Mark 14:25). Five times during this supper He mentions the kingdom of God, and all five are with reference to the future (Luke 22:16-18, 29-30; Mark 14:25). Here also the Lord instituted the Lord’s Supper as a symbol of His atoning death. Here also the Lord instituted the Lord’s Supper as a symbol of His atoning death. The Lord sought to prepare His disciples for changed conditions which would exist between His departure and His return to establish the kingdom (Luke 22:35-36). The Lord sought to prepare His disciples for changed conditions which would exist between His departure and His return to establish the kingdom (Luke 22:35-36). The farewell discourse with the disciples, recorded in John 13:31 – 16:33, in which Christ prepares His disciples regarding the time of His absence from (and the Holy Spirit’s presence with) them. This interval will be a time of both fruit-bearing and persecution by the world.The farewell discourse with the disciples, recorded in John 13:31 – 16:33, in which Christ prepares His disciples regarding the time of His absence from (and the Holy Spirit’s presence with) them. This interval will be a time of both fruit-bearing and persecution by the world. The final prayer for the disciples (John 17) – the climax of Jesus’ preparation for His own for the period of His absence. It anticipates the opposition and harsh treatment that His followers will receive while still in this world and petitions for their unity and perseverance.The final prayer for the disciples (John 17) – the climax of Jesus’ preparation for His own for the period of His absence. It anticipates the opposition and harsh treatment that His followers will receive while still in this world and petitions for their unity and perseverance.
Christ’s Ministry in Preparation for the Interregnum During the final indignities of the trials and crucifixion, our Lord with great clarity renews the regal claims of the messianic office. During the final indignities of the trials and crucifixion, our Lord with great clarity renews the regal claims of the messianic office. When placed under a solemn oath by the high priest to tell whether or not He was the Christ, the Son of God, He responded, “You have said it” (Matt 26:64).When placed under a solemn oath by the high priest to tell whether or not He was the Christ, the Son of God, He responded, “You have said it” (Matt 26:64). When brought before Pilate, Christ was charged with political treason (Luke 23:2; John 18:33-38). His reply to Pilate was that His kingdom is not of this world, meaning it does not originate from the present world system. He also again affirms that He is a king (John 18:37).When brought before Pilate, Christ was charged with political treason (Luke 23:2; John 18:33-38). His reply to Pilate was that His kingdom is not of this world, meaning it does not originate from the present world system. He also again affirms that He is a king (John 18:37). Even the thief on the cross asked Jesus to remember him when He comes into His kingdom (Luke 23:39-43).Even the thief on the cross asked Jesus to remember him when He comes into His kingdom (Luke 23:39-43).
Christ’s Ministry in Preparation for the Interregnum The problem of Jewish rejection of the king: Why was the Lord Jesus Christ rejected by the nation of Israel when He offered Himself and the kingdom for which they had long waited and prayed? The problem of Jewish rejection of the king: Why was the Lord Jesus Christ rejected by the nation of Israel when He offered Himself and the kingdom for which they had long waited and prayed?
Next Week: The Mediatorial Kingdom in the Book of Acts