Parent Academy Welcome to Fourth Grade
Daily Schedule o7:10-7:40 Morning Work o7:50-8:20 Olweus/RTI o8:20-9:10 Block A o9:10-10:00 Specials o10:00-11:10 Block A o11:12-11:42 Lunch o11:45-12:30 Block B o12:30 Recess o12:50-1:50 Block B o1:50-2:10 Running Records/DEAR o2:20 Dismissal o7:10-7:40 Morning Work o7:50-8:20 Olweus/RTI o8:20-9:10 Block A o9:10-10:00 Specials o10:00-11:10 Block A o11:12-11:42 Lunch o11:45-12:30 Block B o12:30 Recess o12:50-1:50 Block B o1:50-2:10 Running Records/DEAR o2:20 Dismissal
Moral Leadership by Example o Houses-Students will be part of a CMES house to help foster positive relationships between grade levels and promote school pride. o Behavioral Expectations- We are excited about the positive ideals of our students expectations this year. When you visit, we hope you see the respect for others it will build. o Houses-Students will be part of a CMES house to help foster positive relationships between grade levels and promote school pride. o Behavioral Expectations- We are excited about the positive ideals of our students expectations this year. When you visit, we hope you see the respect for others it will build.
Snacks oPlease send a healthy snack for your child each day. We have snack at 10:00. oIce cream is sold in the cafeteria. Please discuss with your child what your expectations of their lunch choices are. oPlease send a healthy snack for your child each day. We have snack at 10:00. oIce cream is sold in the cafeteria. Please discuss with your child what your expectations of their lunch choices are.
Fourth Grade Report Card o Students will receive a standards based report card in ELA and Math, as well as a percentage report card for all subjects. o Standards based grades are 4, 3, 2, 1 and are not in any way based on percentages. o Percentage grades will be posted on Parent Portal throughout the quarter. o Percentage grades are based on summative assessments that are done throughout the county. o Students will receive a standards based report card in ELA and Math, as well as a percentage report card for all subjects. o Standards based grades are 4, 3, 2, 1 and are not in any way based on percentages. o Percentage grades will be posted on Parent Portal throughout the quarter. o Percentage grades are based on summative assessments that are done throughout the county.
Technology In fourth grade we use a variety of technology resources in our classrooms. Of course, we have students research to help propel their learning on our student friendly search engines, however we use devices in other ways as well. Please take some time to visit our technology centers to get a picture of some of the ways your child will use technology during their day.
CCGPS o This year Forsyth County, along with the rest of the state is implementing the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards. We are joining many other states on this venture to better serve the needs of our children. o These new CCGPS are similar to our previous GPS, however the level of rigor brought forth will be much deeper than before. o For more information on this implementation, the standards, and the parent presentation visit the link below: 0&ViewID=047E6BE3-6D D8E4E9ED6C2A&RenderLoc=0&FlexDataID=49641&PageID=4183 o This year Forsyth County, along with the rest of the state is implementing the Common Core Georgia Performance Standards. We are joining many other states on this venture to better serve the needs of our children. o These new CCGPS are similar to our previous GPS, however the level of rigor brought forth will be much deeper than before. o For more information on this implementation, the standards, and the parent presentation visit the link below: 0&ViewID=047E6BE3-6D D8E4E9ED6C2A&RenderLoc=0&FlexDataID=49641&PageID=4183
Discipline Policies oThis year our school is excited to all be on the same page with our expectations. oIn our classroom, your child will write in their agenda if there has been a behavior issue that day after discussion with their teacher. oThis year our school is excited to all be on the same page with our expectations. oIn our classroom, your child will write in their agenda if there has been a behavior issue that day after discussion with their teacher.
Math oThe majority of our math lessons are hands on learning experiences based on the CCGPS. We rely heavily on the Georgia Mathematics Frameworks. oThere is some overlap of the CCGPS with 3 rd grade GPS. It is important to remember that we are focusing on a deeper understanding of math concepts. oPLEASE PRACTICE ALL MATH FACTS AT HOME!!! oThe majority of our math lessons are hands on learning experiences based on the CCGPS. We rely heavily on the Georgia Mathematics Frameworks. oThere is some overlap of the CCGPS with 3 rd grade GPS. It is important to remember that we are focusing on a deeper understanding of math concepts. oPLEASE PRACTICE ALL MATH FACTS AT HOME!!!
Language Arts Block oReading from the Scott Foresman Reading Street series, Reading A-Z and Pearson. We will focus on informational reading that coincides with our Social Studies and Science units. Novel studies will be done during RTI. oSitton Spelling- usage/spelling taught together. oWriting will be taught using the Six Traits of Writing and grade level rubrics. Students will be prepared for the end of year standardized writing test. oGrammar will be taught in combination in the reading program. oReading from the Scott Foresman Reading Street series, Reading A-Z and Pearson. We will focus on informational reading that coincides with our Social Studies and Science units. Novel studies will be done during RTI. oSitton Spelling- usage/spelling taught together. oWriting will be taught using the Six Traits of Writing and grade level rubrics. Students will be prepared for the end of year standardized writing test. oGrammar will be taught in combination in the reading program.
Science oUnits include: electricity, weather, sound and light, ecosystems, solar system and forces. oWe will alternate every2 ½- 3 weeks with Social Studies. oStudents each have a soft covered consumable textbook. oUnits include: electricity, weather, sound and light, ecosystems, solar system and forces. oWe will alternate every2 ½- 3 weeks with Social Studies. oStudents each have a soft covered consumable textbook.
Social Studies oWe will cover Native Americans, Exploration,Colonization,American Revolution,Westward Expansion and the Civil War.
Meeting Individual Needs o We work with Gifted and EIP teachers to accommodate the needs of all students. Special arrangements are made to suit the child academically, emotionally, and environmentally to help each child succeed. oWe have HIGH expectations of all my students, and we will try to help each one reach his/her highest potential. o We work with Gifted and EIP teachers to accommodate the needs of all students. Special arrangements are made to suit the child academically, emotionally, and environmentally to help each child succeed. oWe have HIGH expectations of all my students, and we will try to help each one reach his/her highest potential.
Homework oForsyth County requires 4 th Graders to have no more than 40 minutes of homework each night. oPlease have your child read for 20 minutes every night. oThe agenda is completed together in class. Students should record homework at this point. It will not be posted on edmodo on a regular basis. oForsyth County requires 4 th Graders to have no more than 40 minutes of homework each night. oPlease have your child read for 20 minutes every night. oThe agenda is completed together in class. Students should record homework at this point. It will not be posted on edmodo on a regular basis.
Friday Folders oEach Friday your child will bring home graded papers and school information. Please return the packet of graded papers on the Return to School side of the folder. oPlease clean out any checked work, spelling pretest and fliers on the Keep At Home side. oEach Friday your child will bring home graded papers and school information. Please return the packet of graded papers on the Return to School side of the folder. oPlease clean out any checked work, spelling pretest and fliers on the Keep At Home side.
Parent Teacher Communication Weekly Newsletter will be sent out on Friday. Paper copies will not be sent home. or Phone(770) ext / Parent Portal-Sign up in the front office Parent Toolbox-This resource is provided by the county to help parents work with their children. Weekly Newsletter will be sent out on Friday. Paper copies will not be sent home. or Phone(770) ext / Parent Portal-Sign up in the front office Parent Toolbox-This resource is provided by the county to help parents work with their children.
Please visit Mrs. McCollum’s room to have your student share some of the ways we use our technology here at CMES. o QR code sheet o Edmodo station o Socrative quiz o Planet Research o Report Card Station o QR code sheet o Edmodo station o Socrative quiz o Planet Research o Report Card Station