Setting Up and Operating a Youth Committee Orla O’Shea Youth Development Tralee Credit Union Ltd.
Why set up a Youth Committee Dedicated Team to meet the needs of youth in the common bond. Youth are the future. Abraham Lincoln: “Youth are the people who are going to carry on what we have started.” Create, Develop and Promote an appreciation and understanding of TCU.
Tralee Credit Union’s Youth Committee - Setup March 2008: Board of Directors appointed a full time Youth Development Worker. June 2008: Youth Officer was appointed from the Board of Directors. November 2008: Volunteer Drive and three new members where chosen by the nominating committee.
How it operates Five Members on the Youth Committee -Boards Youth Officer -Youth Development Worker -Three Volunteers Youth meetings are held once a month
How it operates? Youth Policy Youth Budget Youth meetings are held once a month – Youth Development Worker reports to the youth committee on youth events Youth Report included in the Board pack each month.
What have our youth Committee achieved? Youth Mascot: Ellie is the youth mascot of Tralee Credit Union Ltd. She is used as an educational tool to show children that saving can be an adventure and fun and… Through Ellie children have become financially aware
Hello Everyone
Primary School Saving Initiative €1 Ellie saving stamp scheme 27 Schools participating each week
Secondary School Credit Union
For every new Ellie Account Opened Ellie Wallet Ellie Certificate Ellie gift – backpack or Piggy
Youth Newsletter Summer and Winter Newsletter Issued to over 3,000 youth members Includes youth news and competitions Since the youth committee formed – growth in new accounts opened and children saving.
Other Youth Services Youth Events Website – Student Loans Newborn Accounts Ellie Gift Cards
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