The Death of Jesus Chapter 13
Opening Prayer O giving God, we come before you today in a spirit of gratitude for all you have done for us. Amen.
Introduction God’s saving work for mankind is completed through Christ’s Passion, suffering, and death on the cross Passion: the extreme sufferings of Jesus’ last hours—the whipping, the crown of thorns, the carrying of the cross, and his agony while nailed on the cross—and his death Jesus has given his life to doing the Father’s will, which is to save us.
Reflection… Give example of truly selfless acts… – Volunteering at the hospital? – Helping an elderly neighbor? – Helping your parents with chores at home? – Etc… Jesus gave up his life for us and accepted suffering simply out of love for us.
Think About It! What are some ways young people can take up the cross? What people in your family, parish, and community seem to be taking up Christ’s cross?
Looking Back Stations of the cross: 14 images of Jesus’ Passion (sorrowful path to his Crucifixion) found on display in most Catholic churches Praying the stations of the cross allows us to reflect on Jesus’ suffering and death and to walk beside him in his suffering through our prayers.
Jesus’ Passion By meditating and praying of Christ’s suffering & death helps us to… – 1/ love Christ and to avoid sins – 2/ bear our own sufferings with patience – 3/ give us more pity for other people’s suffering and pain Be able to summarize the Passion of Christ in your own words.
Jesus’ Passion - Reflection Compare the story of Judas & Peter. What can the stories of Judas and Peter teach us about how we might act in response to our own sins or moral failings?
Images of Jesus’ Suffering and Death The NT compares Jesus’ suffering and death to several images: – 1/ “Lamb of God” – refer by John the Baptist; the name recalls the Passover event Passover: the Jewish feast that commemorates the release of the Jewish people from captivity in Egypt Jesus celebrates the Passover w/ his disciples at the Last Supper (Holy Thursday) – the 1 st Eucharist Jesus became Passover lamb who sacrifices himself to save the people from death and sin.
– “Good Shepherd” – (gospel of John); willing to die to save us – “Paschal Lamb” – gospel of John; Paschal = “Passover” Paschal Mystery: The mystery of how his Passion, death, Resurrection, and Ascension saves us form sin and death. – “Suffering Servant” – Gospel of Mt; God understands and feels our pain which can be offered as a pleasing sacrifice and prayer;
Check for Understanding To what event does Jesus’ title “Lamb of God” allude? – The plague of death in Egypt, when all male firstborns died, except those in Jewish homes on which the blood of a lamb had been sprinkled What is the Jewish feast that commemorates this event? – Passover
Check for Understanding Why do we say that at the Last Supper, Jesus became the new Paschal Lamb? – Because he sacrificed himself so that we might live Why is the title “Suffering Servant” from the Book of Isaiah fitting for Jesus? – Because Jesus humbled himself to become one of us, and accepted suffering for our good
Check for Understanding How can Jesus’ suffering, completely undeserved, help us accept the suffering that we or other people sometimes must bear? – Jesus’ own suffering can reassure us that God understands the pain that we feel. We can unite our own suffering with that of Jesus, and help in his healing action in the world. Remember! God gave all people freedom to choose between good and evil, some people’s misuse of that freedom may result in the suffering of others.
Pray It! Liturgy Connection Liturgy of the Eucharist – Begins w/ the Preparation of the Altar and the Gifts – The bread & wine is offered along w/ our sufferings to becomes Jesus’ sacrifice for us.
Did You Know? The OT foretells many details of Christ’s Passion.
Catholic Social Teaching Solidarity Jesus, the Son of God, was crucified next to two condemned criminals. He did not balk or express indignation that he should be treated like the thieves at his side. Instead, he spoke to them with patience and mercy, and he extended to the Good Thief forgiveness and the assurance of Heaven.
The Catholic Church teaches that all people are part of one human family, regardless of economic, racial, ethnic, or national differences. We are all brothers and sisters, children of God. To live out the Church’s teaching on solidarity, we must work for the common good and the good of each individual—in our local communities and in faraway places around the world. This can take the form of making financial contributions to organization that help those in need, or supporting programs and legislation that address the needs of the poor and overlooked members of society.
Fun Fact Simon of Cyrene was forced to carry the cross. Reflection Questions – What might Simon’s reaction and response have been when he was asked to carry the cross for Jesus? – What feelings might he have had while carrying the cross and afterward? – How might the experience have affected him immediately after it occurred and throughout his life?
Jesus Frees Us From Death Jesus, who is sinless, chose to die to save us. In what ways did Jesus have a human response to the idea of death, even though he is God? – In the garden at Gethsemane, on the night before he died, Jesus was afraid of the suffering that was to come and prayed that it would be taken away from him. How did Jesus respond to the fear he felt? – He mastered it and did his Father’s will.
Where does the Apostle’s Creed state Jesus’ human soul was in the time between his death and his Resurrection? – In the place where all people who had died before him had gone after death – called hell in the creed
Live It! All baptized Christians can unite their efforts to be holy w/ Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. – We can do everything for God’s glory. – Follow the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
People of Faith St. Dismas “the Good Thief” Patron saint of criminals and condemned prisoners Saint of hopeless cases – Not to give up on anyone;
How is the exchange between the Good Thief and Jesus a source of encouragement for you when you sin? Why is Saint Dismas well suited to being a patron saint and model for all of us, not just for criminals and condemned prisoners? – Because of his trust in Christ’s ability to forgive him and his willingness to ask for forgiveness
Closing Prayer We praise and thank you, Lord, for loving us so much that you gave your life for us. Help us to respond to your love with open hearts, and to recognize your infinite mercy. Guide us so that we may always know your willingness to forgive our weaknesses, and seek you in our hour of need. Amen.