By Will Hunter
Mars is the fourth planet in our solar system also known as the red planet. Mars was named after the roman god of war and has been known since prehistoric times. Planets in order from the sun
Mars is the seventh largest planet in our solar system. Mars is less than half the size of earth. Mars is very cold. The maximum temperature of Mars is 36 C ! The minimum temperature is -123 C ! Mars has deeper canyons than any other planet! The first spacecraft to visit Mars was Mariner 4 in Min-123 c Max-36 c
The deepest canyon on Mars would stretch from New York to Los Angeles on earth! Mars
Mars has a atmosphere mostly made up of carbon dioxide (95.3%) and also has a bit of nitrogen (2.7%).The rest are made up of a few other gases. (argon ETC.)
FUN FACTS Vikings 1 and 2 were the first space probes to successfully land on the surface of Mars. The probes analysed gases in the Martian atmosphere and chemicals in the soil for evidence of life. They also measured wind speed, wind direction and more. It takes days for Mars to orbit the sun. One rotation on Mars takes 24 hours and 37 minutes. The distance from the sun is 229 million km. Mars orbit takes it inside an asteroid belt. If you weighed 32kg on Earth you would weigh 12kg on Mars. SPACE PROBES A Viking Lander
Mars has two moons named Phobos and Deimos. Phobos is so close to the surface of Mars in 50 million years it will crash down onto Mars or break up into a ring around the planet. Mars and the two moons Demios and Phobos.
The Core (Inside Mars)
This information is about the diameter and circumference of Mars. The circumference of Mars is 21343km while the diameter is only 6794km. 6794km 21343km
MARS ROVERS The Mars Rovers landed on separate sides of Mars. They weigh 174kg and are 1.5 metres high. They are 2.3 metres wide. They have 6 wheels that are designed to coil and uncoil to absorb shocks as they move across the ground. Using 2 antennas they can communicate with Earth. The rovers are designed to travel 100 meters a day but are normally less because they stop to observe stuff like the atmosphere and soil. They are designed to survive ninety days on Mars. A picture of a Mars Rover
Proudly Made By Will Hunter
REFERENCES coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.e du The new solar system Mars author: Robin Birch. GLOSSARY Accretion- the formation of a celestial object by the affect of gravity pulling together surrounding objects and gases. Subsequent- following in time or order. Inner- Located or occurring farther inside. Analysed- To examine in detail in order to discover the meaning. Information