Montana Lance, a 9-year-old boy from Texas, was found dead in a bathroom at Stewart's Creek Elementary School in The Colony, Texas, on Thursday, the Dallas Morning News reports.the Dallas Morning News reports The Colony is a city north of Dallas, located in Denton County, Texas. While the medical examiner has not released an official cause of death, police have said it was an apparent suicide.has not releasedhave said Lt. Darren Brockway told the Associated Press that the boy "had reportedly hung himself in a bathroom" and was pronounced dead at a nearby hospital.told the Associated Press January A Procedure for Dealing with Potential Suicidal Students
Identification of students who are at high risk; Outline risk assessment process; Align students with community resources for treatment; Define primary and secondary levels of prevention; Determine who are high risk students; Identify staff actions, and Provide a plan for return of students to school following suicide attempt. Intent of Procedure
Has made a prior suicide attempt or has the intent to kill self; Has considered a plan; Has access to method described in plan; May show feelings of isolation, hopelessness, helplessness; Has limited social/emotional support systems; Had severe loss or threat of loss, and Has self-inflicted cuts or other injuries. Any of the above or combination thereof are circumstances requiring parent contact and referral. High Risk Indicators
Broad-Based Activities Conduct activities to raise awareness of youth suicide; Collaboration with community agencies to promote good mental health and facilitate student referrals; Provide developmentally-based curricula to: Foster better self-esteem, Teach skills to cope with loss, Identify and use available support systems, and Recognize and respond to warning signs of suicide. Primary Prevention
More Individualized Activities for Students Demonstrating Warning signs Involvement of MTSS/PS Team by: Contacting InSS; Monitoring and counseling; Contacting parents; Referring to school and community resources, and Determining need for comprehensive evaluation. Note: All communication between staff and team members regarding “at risk” students shall be treated confidentially. Secondary Prevention of Suicide
Identification: Students who verbalize, send electronic messages, execute a written statement, or complete a drawing indicating harm to self or others and/or have inflicted harm are reported immediately. Staff actions focused on: 1.Student safety; 2.Informing building administrator immediately; 3.Parental contact; 4.Assessment: Psychological and Law Enforcement; 5.Treatment, and 6.Documentation. Identification and Staff Actions for Reporting Students at High Risk
If medical emergency, contact school nurse or designee to implement emergency procedures; If unable to reach contact person on emergency card follow script in procedure and contact the YRB Deputy; Attempt a risk assessment by psychologist, counselor, or social worker prior to parent’s arrival; Parent is offered the option of transporting student to a treatment facility (sign emergency release document); Documentation in Student Pass, and Contact district level coordinator of psychological services or counseling services. Specific Actions of Note
Administrative representative will meet with student on the day the student returns to school; Obtain any records of mental health evaluation and treatment; Written confidential documentation of actions to be taken by each staff member; Provide student direct access to school counselor, school psychologist, or school intervention therapist as applicable and, Administrative representative or building principal/designee meets with staff responsible for the student during the school day to inform them of student’s need for support and what supports will be available. Return of Students Following Suicide Attempt
“Let’s go to our education reporter for more underreporting of school success stories.” “While we can become entrenched with our worst challenges, we should have faith that they can become our greatest successes.”
Service Animals New Policy 8390
Any dog or miniature horse (C.F.R. and ADA) Trained to do work or perform tasks Comfort animals are not service animals Definition
Not valid reasons for denying access or refusing services to student using service animal Principal and nurse determine if animal may cause or exacerbate an allergic reaction Principal and pertinent staff and parent of fearful child, determine whether presence of animal will intensify fear Accommodate both students Move student with animal to another class if necessary Classmates: Fear of Animals or Allergies
Must have harness, leash or tether, unless handler is unable because of disability or interferes with animal’s safe, effective performance of work or tasks Must have satisfactory health certificate or report of examination by a veterinarian, including rabies vaccination or other inoculations required to be properly licensed Animal and its primary handler must have sufficient training to be certifiable for public access (Assistance Dogs International, Inc. certification) Standards for Service Animal
IEP or 504 team determines necessity of service animal for a student with a disability Board does not assume responsibility for training, daily care, supervision, or healthcare of animal Board does not assume responsibility for personal injury or property damage relating to use of animal Standards for School District
Notify District ESE or 504 Coordinator upon request from parent for service animal Obtain required documentation for animal and handler, if not the student (Level II criminal background check) Ensure documentation on IEP or 504 plan Provide orientation to faculty/staff and classmates Schedule meeting with bus driver and assistant, and orient students on bus Familiarize animal and handler with campus Establish place for animal to rest, and to urinate/defecate Remove or exclude animal when not under control of student or handler, or not sufficiently housebroken Principal Responsibilities: Implementation Plan