What does Health and safety actually mean? Health and Safety doc Issues with working with computers
What is RSI? Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) is the name given to a group of injuries affecting the muscles, tendons and nerves primarily of the neck and upper limbs. It is an umbrella term and is also known as Work Related Upper Limb Disorder (WRULD). There are two types of RSI:- Specific Named Conditions - these include tenosynovitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, bursitis, tennis elbow, De Quervain's Syndrome, etc. Diffuse RSI - this is where there is no clear-cut diagnosis but a range of symptoms exist. Sometimes it is known as non-specific pain syndrome. The symptoms of RSI include aches, pain, swelling, numbness, tingling, weakness and cramps. With diffuse RSI there are usually no visible signs. RSI is caused by a combination of overuse and repetition, awkward or static posture and insufficient recovery time. Stress is often a factor. RSI is preventable and treatable. It is vital not to ignore the early warning signs. If you have any of the symptoms of RSI take action on prevention. If symptoms persist seek treatment.
With so many of us using computers at work, computer eye strain has become a major job-related complaint. Studies show that eye strain and other bothersome visual symptoms occur in 50 to 90 percent of computer workers. These problems can range from physical fatigue, decreased productivity and increased numbers of work errors, to minor annoyances like eye twitching and red eyes.eye twitching red eyes Here are 10 easy steps you can take to reduce your risk of computer eye strain and other common symptoms of computer vision syndrome (CVS):computer vision syndrome
What causes work stress? The main reasons given for work stress include work pressure, lack of support from managers and work-related violence and bullying. How to beat stress stress.aspx
Create a report that explains the following: What health and safety is? Problems, dangers and preventative measures employees/employers need to take to prevent injury or injuring others who use ICT equipment. Things to consider: RSI Eye Strain Stress Save document as health and safety in the workplace P1