A Statewide Initiative to Address Childhood Obesity
Georgia SHAPE Georgia SHAPE is a statewide multi- agency, multi-dimensional initiative of Governor Nathan Deal that brings together the governmental, philanthropic, academic and business communities to address childhood obesity in Georgia.
Georgia SHAPE Partners Department of Public HealthAtlanta Falcons Youth Foundation Department of Agriculture Georgia Grown The Atlanta Braves Foundation Department of Natural Resources Tons of Fun Coca Cola Department of EducationArthur M. Blank Family Foundation Children’s Healthcare of AtlantaDepartment of Early Care and Learning (DECAL) Department of TransportationUniversity of Georgia
Georgia SHAPE Includes strategies for addressing obesity from birth through the high school years Efforts focus on schools, communities, child care centers, government and policy agencies, businesses, and medical practices
Georgia SHAPE Initiatives Recognize and support birthing hospitals that support breastfeeding Increase the number of work sites that adopt policies that support breastfeeding mothers Promote physical activity and nutrition programs in child care facilities and school settings
Our New Reality
Why is breastfeeding important? Breastfeeding is among the best ways to prevent a child from becoming overweight or obese. Research has demonstrated that breastfeeding employees miss work less often because breastfed infants are healthier and the reduced healthcare costs for breastfed infants translate to lower health insurance premiums for businesses.
Why is breastfeeding important? Breastfeeding mothers have lower risks of breast and ovarian cancers Lower rates of breastfeeding add $2.2 billion a year to medical costs Helps protect against childhood obesity and other illnesses (ear infections, respiratory infections, SIDS)
Breastfeeding Percentage of Children Who Breastfeed, Georgia, U.S. & HP 2020 Goal CDC NIS Provisional Data, 2009
Breastfeeding Based on 2011 data*, only 66.4% of Georgia mothers start breastfeeding after delivery Healthy People 2020 Goal: 81.9% *2011 combined GA Birth Certificate & Newborn Screening data
Georgia’s 5-STAR Hospital Initiative Awards participating birthing hospitals for implementing evidenced-base maternity care practices that promote and support breastfeeding The Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding, as defined by Baby- Friendly USA, the official credentialing agency of the Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI)
Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding 1)Written breastfeeding policy 2)Train staff to implement policy 3)Inform all pregnant women about the benefits and management of breastfeeding. 4)Help mothers initiate breastfeeding within one half-hour of birth. 5)Show mothers how to breastfeed
Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding 6) Only allow babies breast milk, unless medically indicated 7) Practice rooming-in 8) Encourage breastfeeding on-demand 9) No artificial teats or pacifiers 10) Encourage community support groups
Baby-Friendly Facilities SOURCE: CDC National Survey of Maternity Practices in Infant Nutrition and Care (mPINC), 2011
Georgia’s 5-STAR Hospital Initiative Doctor’s Hospital, Columbus Gwinnett Medical Center, Lawrenceville Hamilton Medical Center, Dalton Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital, Albany Southeast Georgia Health System, Brunswick Southern Regional Medical Center, Riverdale The Medical Center, Columbus Tift Regional Medical Center, Tifton Wellstar Kennestone Hospital, Marietta
National Initiative for Children’s Healthcare Quality (NICHQ) Hospitals in Georgia Atlanta Medical Center, Atlanta DeKalb Medical, Decatur Doctors Hospital, Augusta Emory University Hospital Midtown, Atlanta Grady Health System, Atlanta Piedmont Henry Hospital, Stockbridge WellStar Cobb Hospital, Austell
“Safe Sleep” Campaign
Georgia First Lady Sandra Deal and the Georgia Children’s Cabinet Georgia Department of Public Health Georgia Department of Human Services Georgia Department of Driver Services Georgia Department of Juvenile Justice
“Safe Sleep” Campaign
Role for Hospitals Create Safe Sleep Policies for NICU and Well Baby Nursery Train staff Endorse and model : – Supine Sleep Position – Educate families on safe sleep guidelines before discharge Share our Safe Sleep video in hospital
Thank You Brenda Fitzgerald, M.D. Commissioner Georgia Department of Public Health