The Rise of Fascism
Why did Fascism Rise in the 1920’s and 1930’s? Perceived failure of Capitalism and Socialism (The Third Way) Outlet for heavy nationalism Appealed to militarism WWI reparations / disappointment with results. Heavy emphasis on modernism
What exactly is Fascism? 1. Extreme Nationalism – they see the conflict between nations and races as essential. Heritage is a natural bind between people. 2. Expansionism – Warrior mentality promoted. 3. Authoritarianism – often times totalitarian state / autocratic single party state. Usually a “great” leader. 4. Social Darwinism 5. Indoctrination – the people are indoctrinated at a young age – anti-intellectual 6. Eugenics
What exactly is Fascism? 7. Very masculine as a society – traditional sex roles 8. Corporatism – government planning / intervention in corporations for the good of the society – class co-operation – Protection of small business – Nationalization of large businesses
Italian Fascism
“Il Duce” Benito Mussolini - The great leader Rose through military ranks in Italy Became disinterested and disillusioned with socialism – moved to Fascism. Ended up establishing fascist government as a reaction to labor unrest Believed in creating a society based upon the glory of Rome.
What was the state like? July 1925 – “officially” starts dictatorship Created a police state Huge Agricultural expansion “Fought” the mafia Propoganda huge
Economics Mussolini took over about ¾ of all businesses Induced wage and price controls Fight for the Land Gold for the Fatherland
Propaganda Helped control society Fascist Youth Vanguards Fascist University Groups Fascist education is moral, physical, social, and military: it aims to create a complete and harmoniously developed human, a fascist one according to our views". - Mussolini
Foreign Policy Set up puppet government in Albania Re-organized Libya Attacked Ethiopia – defeated them quickly
Alliances Supported Francisco Franco in Spanish Civil War Posed as moderate at Munich Conference “Pact of Steel” signed in 1939 with Hitler’s Germany Early on, serious critic of Hitler – did not believe in Eugenics However, by 1938, issued the Racial Manifesto, in line with Nuremburg laws
The End By allies were in Italy moving up coast. Mussolini had lost government power and went into hiding Set up Italian Socialist Government Eventually captured by Italian patriots and executed Drug and hung in streets of Milan
Franco’s Spain
Francisco Franco Fascist who emerged out of the Spanish Civil War In 1931 Spanish Monarchy ended After four years of the Second Republic, the Spanish Civil War broke out when a group of generals attempted a coup. It was a group of right wing extremists (Nationalists) v. the Republic.
The Spanish Civil War Nationalists supported by Italy and Germany, the Republicans supported by USSR and Mexico. Fascists / Conservatives / Catholics VS. Anti- clericalists / Liberals / Communists First “Media War” International Brigades – formed to support the Republicans. (Poles, Hungarians, Americans, Canadians, etc)
Spain under Franco The Generalissimo Debate over if this was a true fascist state… Massive censorship of the media. Propaganda Political Oppression HOWEVER not exactly a conservative revolution Ruled from
Nazi Germany
How did Hitler Come to Power? After WWI, as part of army, infiltrated the German Workers Party and eventually became their head. National Socialist German Workers Party Beer Hall Putsch Went to Landsburg Prison after this for 1 year. Mein Kampf
How did Hitler Come to Power…Cont. After getting out of prison, used the NSDAP to start legally getting into Reichstag Challenged for president in 1932 – lost but showed power. By late 1932, German President Paul Von Hindenburg forced to make Hitler Chancellor of Germany Reichstag Fire The Enabling Act – Became legal dictatorship
Huge infrastructure projects – autobahn, Volkswagen Encouraging German industry Militaristic – Rearmament and Lebensraum Anschluss Eugenics The SS – Gestapo
Huge miscalculations by the world… Munich Pact Sudetenland Kristallnact Poland