Characteristics and Examples Italian Fascism Characteristics and Examples Images curated by Meghan Shea Text by Eric Beckman
Fascist Symbol Fasces, an ancient Roman symbol of authority Opera Nazionale Pro-Derelictis. I Figli d'Italia. July - September 1934. Monthly publication on educational issues, with illustrations and advertisements This issue touts Fascist efforts on behalf of needy mothers and children Fasces, an ancient Roman symbol of authority
Characteristics of fascism Gioventù Fascista. Rome, April 1931. A propaganda magazine designed for young Fascists and featuring stories and cartoons praising the regime. Characteristics of fascism Mass movement militarism
Characteristics of fascism Giovinezza in Marcia. Three children's school notebooks, 1935. Children were required to use these notebooks with colored Fascist cartoons and quotations from Mussolini on the front and back. Characteristics of fascism Counter-revolutionary Extreme nationalism
Benito Mussolini Characteristics of fascism Strong leadership Dictatorial government
Mussolini and Hitler