Human Trafficking 101 Oregonians Against Trafficking Humans
What? Where? Who? Why? How? When?
What is Human Trafficking? Human trafficking is: 12.3 million slaves $32 billion dollar industry 2 nd largest and fastest growing illegal industry in the world.
What is Human Trafficking? The United Nation’s Protocol (2000) Trafficking in humans refers to all acts related to the recruitment, transport, sale, or purchase of individuals through force, fraud or other coercive means for the purpose of economic exploitation.
What is Human Trafficking? The US Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA) 2000 The use of force, fraud or coercion for forced labor or sexual exploitation. According to federal law any child under the age of 18 who is engaged in commercial sex is a victim of human trafficking.
What fuels Human Trafficking? Pover ty Gender Inequity Confli ct Cultu re Corruption HIV/AIDS Globalizatio n Technology/Internet
Where does Human Trafficking occur?
Who is involved in Human Trafficking? Trafficker Offender Buyer Facilitator ConsumerVictim Recruiter
Why Oregon? Human trafficking exists everywhere Transit, destination and source state Contributing factors Geography : Port City, International Airport, I5 Demographics : Homeless, Immigrants, Unemployed Agriculture : Migrant labor pool Organized Crime / Gangs : Asian, Eurasian, Mexican
What Labor Networks? Hospitality: Hotels Restaurants Strip Clubs Massage Parlors Nail Salons Hard Labor: Agriculture Landscaping Construction
When will Human Trafficking end? Collaboration Millennium Development Goals AwarenessFair TradeLegislationEducation
Oregonians Against Trafficking Humans Oregon Human Trafficking Task Force Keith Bickford
Salem Area Contacts Kirsten Heydel Mid-Valley Women’s Crisis Center Marion County Trafficking Task Force Cliff Leek Oregon Attorney General’s Sexual Assault Task Force Men Against Violence YWCA-Salem