GMS: Southern Coastal Corridor Project HIV/AIDS and Trafficking Awareness and Prevention Program ADB- LOAN No.2373-CAM (SF) Implemented by SP: Supervised by SP: Egis International
Table of Content Program Information 1. Baseline Survey 2. Provincial Advocacy Workshop 3. Peer Educators Training 4. Community events 5. CBF and Road construction workers training workshop 6. High-risk group training workshop 7. School Students Awareness Campaigns 8. Small group meeting by PEs (outreach) 9. Face to Face talk by PEs (outreach) 10. Supporting services for VCCT and STI 11. Condom Distribution 12. IEC material distribution 13. Problems Encountered 14. Lesson Learnt 15. Summary of Information, tasks and activities carried out up to March HATAPP News Letter June to December 2011
Program Information ADB Funded Project Start on 15 June 2011 until 15 April 2013, 22 months 10 targeted villages along NR33 and CBF Korean Funded Projects Start on 21 December 2011 until 30 September 2013, 22 months 52 targeted villages along NR31, 33, PR117 and Kampot Bypass
Main Activities Achieved From 15 June 2011 until 31 March Baseline Survey: Based on the sampling methods, the SP conducted baseline survey in 228 hhs in 10 villages for ADB Funded Project and 1,138 hhs in 52 villages for Korean Funded Projects. The Baseline survey was conducted in order to generate data for measuring the impact at the end of the program.
2. Provincial Advocacy Workshop: One advocacy workshop at provincial level was conducted on 11 July 2011 in order to orient the program with total number of 24 participants, 11 females from relevant departments at Kampot province including observers/monitors, 2 specialists from SEU (MPWT) and 1 specialist from CSC (Egis).
3. Peer Educators Training: 20 peer educators for ADB Funded Project and 100 Peer Educators for Korean Funded Projects selected from local community, high -risk groups and students were trained on the topics related to HIV/AIDS, Gender and Human Trafficking. Selection of these peer educators was carried out based on the instructions of CSC’s International Specialist and monitored by CSC National Specialist together with the participation from Specialists of SEU.
4. Community events: 2 times of 8 community campaigns were conducted in 10 target villages along NR 33 with total number of 307 participants, 199 females in order to disseminate information, knowledge and awareness on HIV/AIDS, STI, Human Trafficking and to provide them some supporting service of VCCT and STI.
5. CBF and Road construction workers training workshop: 2 times of training workshops to NR33 road construction workers, CBF construction workers, NR33&CBF Contractor staffs and all CSC staff, were conducted with total number of 94 participants, 6 females in order to share information, knowledge and awareness on HIV/AIDS, STI, Human Trafficking and Gender equity.
6. High-risk group training workshop: 1 time of training workshops with Karaoke girls and Casino workers, was conducted with total number of 59 participants, 5 males in target area. The aims is to provide the same information as mentioned above and some specific hints related to their day-to-day activities and services.
7. School Students Awareness Campaigns 1 time of 3 campaigns with high and secondary schools was conducted in order to provide key message on HIV/AIDS, STI and Human Trafficking to students with total number of 210 students, 115 females.
8. Small group meeting by PEs (outreach): 7 times of 279 groups with total number of 1895 participants, 1068 Females for ADB funded project and 1 time of 10 groups with total number of 68 participants, 46 females were organized and conducted for Korean Funded Projects in order to provide key message on HIV/AIDS, STI, Human Trafficking as well as provide posters and leaflets.
9. Face to Face talk by PEs (outreach): The PEs conducted face to face talk activity with local community in total number of 1145 villagers, 607 females for ADB funded Projects and 44 villager, 14 female for Korean Funded Projects to disseminate information on HIV/AIDS, STI, Human Trafficking as well as provide leaflets and posters.
10. Supporting services for VCCT and STI: The program supported and provide some services of VCCT in total number of 316 persons, 236 females for ADB funded Project and 53 persons, 47 females for Korean Funded Project. The Program supported and provide some services of STI in total number of 80 women for ADB funded Project and 3 women for Korean Funded Projects.
11. Condom Distribution: 12 condom boxes were installed at village chiefs and Peer Educators’ house in local community, Karaoke houses, coffee shops and campsite for keeping condom for free use when need. 288 sets of condoms ( 1 set = 100 units) for ADB funded Project and 256 sets of condom for Korean Funded Projects were procured to local community, high risk group and construction workers.
12. IEC material distribution: 6 sets ( 1 set= 1000 units) of IEC material on HIV/AIDS, STI, Human Trafficking and Gender for ADB Funded Project and 6 sets for Korean Funded Projects were distributed to People living in local communities, high risk groups, students and construction workers.
13. Problems Encountered: Some villagers were busy with their small business, farm works and other social works, thus they had no time to participate in the awareness activities on HIV/AIDS, SIT and Human Trafficking organized by the program. As the solution, the program increased face to face talks activities to ensure that they received also the information on HIV/AIDS, STI and Human Trafficking. Some Peer Educators have limited capacity, so they faced some difficulties in knowledge transfer on HIV/AIDS, STI and Human Trafficking to local communities. As the solution, the program provided additional capacity building to them and continue providing technical support to them in all awareness activities in the communities organized by them.
14. Lesson Learnt The program should mainstream a topic on drug use in to HIV prevention program. The program should encourage the monks to get involved in more awareness dissemination to local communities. The program should add more face to face talks activities to villagers (venders) living in/near the market areas because these peoples are so busy with their livelihood, thus they have no time to participate in the program.
15. Summary of Information, tasks and activities carried out up to March 2012
16. HATAPP News Letter June to December 2011
16. HATAPP News Letter June to December 2011 (continue)
Thanks for your attention For detailed Information on the implementation of HATAPP, please check the following website: (Construction Supervision Phase, Report No. 2, 4, 5, 6, 16, 17, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 38, 39, 41 & 42)