Group Questions List all of the facts that you know about JUDAISM…See how many you can list. See if you can reconstruct a basic historical timeline of the Jewish people from Creation to the First Century.
Judaism in The World ~ 14 Million
Judaism in America Conservative 2,000,000 Reform 1,300,000 Orthodox 1,000,000 Conservative 2,000,000 Reform 1,300,000
Folk Religion The lived, everyday practices of religion by common laypersons. (May be very different from the “official” definitions of the religion by professionals)
JUDAISM Early Period The Patriarchs Egypt & Sinai Conquest & Judges OT History Early Period The Patriarchs Egypt & Sinai Conquest & Judges The United Kingdom The Divided Kingdom Exile & Restoration Greek Occupation & Hasmonean Kingdom Roman Occupation
JUDAISM Biblical Writings The Mishnah The Talmud Halakah – deals w/ application of laws The Talmud Authoritative source of Jewish law & tradition Haggadah – stories illustrating the application of law
JUDAISM KEY PERSONS DATE about 2000 BC LOCATION Middle East Abraham Moses
JUDAISM KEY WRITINGS The Tanakh (Old Testament), especially the Torah (first five books of the Old Testament) The Talmud (explanation of the Tanakh) Teachings of each branch: Orthodox Conservative Reform Writings of sages, such as Maimonides
JUDAISM WHO IS GOD? God is spirit. To Orthodox Jews, God is personal, all-powerful, eternal, and compassionate.
JUDAISM WHO IS GOD? God is spirit. To Orthodox Jews, God is personal, all-powerful, eternal, and compassionate. “Yahweh,” the sacred name of God, as written in Hebrew To other Jews, God is impersonal, unknowable, and defined in a number of different ways. There is no Trinity. Bible
JUDAISM WHO IS JESUS? Jesus is seen either as an extremist false messiah or a good but martyred Jewish rabbi (teacher). Many Jews do not acknowledge Jesus at all. Jews (except for Messianic Jews and Hebrew Christians) do not believe Jesus was the Messiah or the Son of God, or that he rose from the dead. Orthodox Jews believe the Messiah will restore the Jewish kingdom and eventually rule the earth. Bible
JUDAISM WHO IS THE HOLY SPIRIT? Some Jews believe that the Holy Spirit is another name for God’s activity on earth. Others say that the Holy Spirit is God’s love or power. Bible
JUDAISM HOW TO BE SAVED Some Jews believe that prayer, repentance, and obedience to the Law are necessary for salvation. Other Jews believe that salvation is the improvement of society. Bible
JUDAISM Some Jews believe there will be a physical resurrection. WHAT HAPPENS AFTER DEATH Some Jews believe there will be a physical resurrection. The obedient will live forever with God; the unrighteous will suffer. Some Jews do not believe in a conscious life after death. Bible
JUDAISM OTHER BELIEFS AND PRACTICES Meeting in synagogues on the Sabbath (Sabbath is Friday evening to Saturday evening). Circumcision of males.
JUDAISM OTHER BELIEFS AND PRACTICES Many holy days and festivals, including… Passover Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) Hanukkah (Feast of Dedication) Rosh Hashanah (New Year) Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) Purim Jerusalem is considered the holy city.