Authoritarian Regimes Case Study: Fascist Japan Chapter 5
Chapter Objectives The beginnings of Fascism and how it became popular Factors contributing to the failure of the democratic government in Japan Reasons for the rise of Fascism in Japan
Essentially…The Chapter is about… Failure of the Democratic Government Weakness of the Japanese Parliament Corrupt Politicians Lacked Support of Workers and Peasants Impact of Economic Problems Problems at the end of World War I 1929 Great Depression WHAT LED TO THE RISE OF FASCISM IN JAPAN Fear of Chinese Nationalism Anti-Japanese Protests Unhappiness with Former Allied Powers 1919 Versailles Treaty 1921-22 Washington Naval Conference Mid-1920s Immigration Issues Unhappiness with Japanese Leaders who wanted Friendly Ties with the former Allied Powers
Chapter Assignment Due in Week 4 To what extent did a weak Japanese parliament contribute to the failure of the democratic government in Japan? Explain your answer. (12m) “Unhappiness with the former Allied Powers was the most important reason that led to the rise of fascism in Japan.” How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer. (13m)
Activity 1 What is Fascism? In groups of 4, come up with a mind-map on what Fascism is about You may use your textbook as a guide You have 10 minutes
What is Fascism? Comes from the Italian word “Fascio” Founded by Benito Mussolini in 1919 Founded at a time when Italy was having social disorder and economic problems FASCISM Popular with the people as they believed that Democracy was ineffective and inefficient and that its leaders were weak Fascism believed in “Nation First” and that Democracy was weak as power was in the hands of the people. Fascism believed in having strong leadership Fascism was spread throughout the world and in Japan, the idea was strongly influenced by the Military Fascists also believed that the nation should grow strong and expand hence they were popular with young men and WWI veterans Fascism also brought About a sense of belonging
Benito Mussolino
What led to the Failure of the Democratic Government in Japan? Why did Fascism seem so attractive? The Japanese democratic leaders were weak, corrupt and inefficient As a result, they were unable to solve the economic problems that plagued the people of Japan Since Fascism valued the nation and worked towards its progress through strong leadership, the idea appealed to many Japanese
What led to the Failure of the Democratic Government in Japan? The Factors: The Limited Power of the Diet The Damage of Democracy’s Reputation by Corruption Failure to Solve Economic Problems Farmer’s Economic Problems Workers’ Economic Problems Trade Imbalance Great Depression of 1929
What led to the Failure of the Democratic Government in Japan? The Limited Power of the Diet Although there was a parliament (Diet), power remained with the Emperor and the Genro (retired statesmen who served the Emperor) No power to make decisions or policies Could not control the ministers as they were under the control of the Emperor
What led to the Failure of the Democratic Government in Japan? The Limited Power of the Diet As the Diet had no control over the government, it’s recommendations were usually overruled As a result, the military wielded much power over the government
What led to the Failure of the Democratic Government in Japan? The Damage of Democracy’s Reputation by Corruption As Democratic leaders had to be elected into the Diet, political parties were formed with large sponsorship from the Zaibatsus The Zaibatsus sponsored politicians in order to use the close ties to make the government pass laws that would benefit them
What led to the Failure of the Democratic Government in Japan? The Damage of Democracy’s Reputation by Corruption Because of these close ties, there were many rumours of corruption Due to these accusations, many political parties fought in parliament and disillusioned the Japanese people
What led to the Failure of the Democratic Government in Japan? Failure to Solve Economic Problems Farmers’ Economic Problems Lack of land which led to a lack of profits as the plots were too small to grow more rice Landlords rented land at very high prices which made life difficult for the farmers Tenant unions used violence and tenant-landlord violence was very common
What led to the Failure of the Democratic Government in Japan? Failure to Solve Economic Problems Workers’ Economic Problems Poor living and working conditions Crowded and unhygienic quarters Worked long hours Locked in working compounds Could only leave their working compounds a few times each month Fed up, most workers joined Communist-sponsored unions
What led to the Failure of the Democratic Government in Japan? Failure to Solve Economic Problems Trade Imbalance Despite its internal problems, Japan prospered from global trade Japan exported silk textiles, china (plates, cups, etc) and porcelain However, there was a trade imbalance because Japan had to import many raw materials and food from abroad to feed its growing population
What led to the Failure of the Democratic Government in Japan? Failure to Solve Economic Problems The Great Depression of 1929 Led to a decrease in Japan exports due to protectionism policies (increase in taxes on foreign goods to protect home-made products in difficult economic times) Japan was badly affected because the demand for Japanese silk fell drastically This led to economic depression
What led to the Failure of the Democratic Government in Japan? High Taxes on Japanese Silk More people bought silk or other type of cloths produced by their home countries thus reducing the demand for Japanese silk Effect of Protectionism on Japan High prices of Japanese silk People in other countries could not afford to buy Japanese silk
What led to the Failure of the Democratic Government in Japan? 80% Fall in Silk Prices Businessmen who Owned silk factories Went bankrupt Other businesses were affected Impact of decrease in silk Price The Japanese had less money to buy other goods Lower prices led to fewer goods being produced Fewer workers were needed in factories and more Japanese became unemployed
Effects of the Great Depression on Japan Less Demand CRASH! Loss of Paper Profits Lower Prices Less Employment Less Production Less Money in Circulation DEPRESSION Less Bank Credit Less Employment Less Demand Less Building of Factories and Homes
What led to the Failure of the Democratic Government in Japan? Failure to Solve Economic Problems The Great Depression of 1929 The farmers were very badly hit because they produced silk to earn more income Worse still, they were hit by a drought in 1932 and made even less money Desperate they even resorted to selling their daughters to make ends meet
What led to the Failure of the Democratic Government in Japan? Failure to Solve Economic Problems The Great Depression of 1929 When the economy failed to improve, they joined the army or patriotic societies The peasants felt that democracy wasn’t working and instead believed in national reconstruction, military strength and respect for authority Many young rural men enlisted in the Japanese army
What led to the Failure of the Democratic Government in Japan? To what extent did a weak Japanese parliament contribute to the failure of the democratic government in Japan? Explain your answer. (12m) Step 1: Explain how the weak Japanese parliament contributed to the failure of the democratic government in Japan (Remember to EXPLAIN HOW IT HAPPENED and NOT WHAT IT IS…) Step 2: Explain 2 OTHER FACTORS In this case, Damage to Democracy’s Reputation and the Failure to Solve Economic Problems Step 3: Weigh your answer. How far was the weak Japanese parliament responsible for the failure of the democratic government AS COMPARED TO the 2 OTHER FACTORS?
What led to the Rise of Fascism in Japan? External Reasons American expansion in the Asia-Pacific region threatened Japanese plans to control the area Paris Peace Conference 1919 Washington Naval Conference 1921-22 London Disarmament Conference 1930 Immigration Laws in the USA in the mid 1930s Resurgence of Chinese Nationalism Internal Reasons The Showa Restoration Patriotic Societies Military’s great influence over the government Military take-over of Japan
What led to the Rise of Fascism in Japan? External Reasons American expansion in the Asia-Pacific region threatened Japanese plans to control the area Since the opening of trade with Japan by the American Commodore, Matthew Perry, American businessmen were interested in doing business in the Asia-Pacific The US took control of many Pacific islands to obtain Guano (bat shit) Other islands were used as bases for American trading ships By the 1930s, more of the Pacific region came under American control including Hawaii and the Philippines Japanese militarists believed that Japanese and American economic and military interests would come into conflict over who would control the Asia-Pacific
What led to the Rise of Fascism in Japan? External Reasons Paris Peace Conference 1919 As Japan had fought with the Allied Powers in WWI, they requested that the League of Nations formally recognise that all races were equal As the League of Nations refused, the Japanese, particularly the Japanese Army, were unhappy
What led to the Rise of Fascism in Japan? External Reasons Washington Naval Conference 1921-1922 The WNC aimed to reduce the naval forces of the world’s major powers For every 5 ships Britain and the USA could build, Japan could only build 3 The Japanese felt that this was an unfair treaty and an attempt to restrict Japanese naval power
What led to the Rise of Fascism in Japan? External Reasons London Disarmament Conference 1930 Many Japanese were unhappy when PM Hamaguchi Osachi wanted to ensure further naval arms reduction with Britain and the USA where he agreed, at the LDC to further limit Japan’s smaller battleships They were also unhappy that he was trying to improve ties with China The PM also reduced spending on the Army to end the Great Depression He was accused by the Army of being too soft and betraying the country He died in 1931 from wounds sustained in an assassination attempt in 1930
What led to the Rise of Fascism in Japan? External Reasons Immigration Laws in the USA in the mid 1930s In 1924, the USA restricted Asian immigration as part of its isolationist and protectionist policies All Asian immigration (except for Filipinos) was banned Asian immigrants could not become US citizens even if they had been living there for a long time Asians could not marry Caucasians and were not allowed to own land
What led to the Rise of Fascism in Japan? External Reasons Immigration Laws in the USA in the mid 1930s There was also Asian Segregation (California Alien Law 1931) These new immigration laws angered the Japanese who saw these policies as a sign that the Americans thought the Japanese were inferior These laws combined with the effects of the Great Depression caused many Japanese to turn away from Democracy and support Japanese expansion overseas
What led to the Rise of Fascism in Japan? External Reasons Resurgence of Chinese Nationalism Since 1894, Japan had taken advantage of China’s weak political situation to gain special trading rights and privileges within China The Chinese were angered by the dynastic decline and the giving of foreign concessions Subsequently, there were struggles between the Chinese warlords and the KMT and CCP (who both tried to unite China). These struggles weakened the country
What led to the Rise of Fascism in Japan? External Reasons Resurgence of Chinese Nationalism When the KMT succeeded in uniting China, the Chinese demanded an end to the special concessions to Westerners and Japanese in China and Manchuria Strikes and boycotts hurt Japanese economic interests in China and Manchuria
What led to the Rise of Fascism in Japan? External Reasons Resurgence of Chinese Nationalism Japanese Kwantung Army Officers in Manchuria realised that a strong and united China could prevent further Japanese expansion in the country They urged Japan to occupy Manchuria and North China before anti-Japanese feelings became too strong The Japanese military’s call for action was supported by many Japanese
What led to the Rise of Fascism in Japan? Internal Reasons The Showa Restoration From the 1890s the Japanese education system emphasised: Nationalism Loyalty to the Emperor Self-Sacrifice Obedience Japan’s response to the Great Depression and foreign opposition to its growing empire was the “Showa Restoration” (Bright Harmony) Western values were characterised to be selfish, greedy and individualistic and Japanese virtues such as self-sacrifice for the nation were promoted
What led to the Rise of Fascism in Japan? Internal Reasons The Showa Restoration The slogan “Sonno Joi” (Restore the Emperor and Expel the Barbarian!) The SR produced youths who were blindly loyal to the Emperor and the nation These youths also believed in militarism and an aggressive military policy
What led to the Rise of Fascism in Japan? Internal Reasons Patriotic Societies Since the 1920s, many patriotic societies with links to the military were set up in Japan (Black Dragon Society, Cherry Blossom Society) They were extremely nationalistic and believed in Japan’s superiority to other nations They wanted to use an aggressive foreign policy to make Japan strong again These societies wanted to get rid of democratic leaders and set up a military dictatorship on behalf of the Emperor
What led to the Rise of Fascism in Japan? Internal Reasons Army and Navy’s Great Influence over the Government The Army and Navy had a great influence over political decisions and acted independently from the government They wanted to copy the West and acquire more colonies in China and Manchuria Military success made the Army and Navy popular (e.g. Russo-Japanese War) and helped them gain even more influence over the government. Leaders who did not support the military’s ambitions were often assassinated
Japanese Military Gains 1894-1895 Sino-Japanese War Japan defeated China It took over Taiwan and demanded that China give up control over the Liaodung Peninsula in Manchuria This started the Japanese presence in Manchuria 1904-1905 Russo-Japanese War Japan defeated Russia First Asian power to defeat a major European power Signed the Treaty of Portsmouth in 1905 1905 Treaty of Portsmouth Gained the right to build a railway in Manchuria which was rich in oil and coal Took over Port Arthur, the Liaodung Peninsula and the southern Sakhalin Island from Russia 1914 Japan joined the Allies in WWI When Japan entered the war on the side of the Allies, it occupied the German territories of Shantung and parts of the Pacific islands 1915 – Japan Issues the 21 Demands to China Weak Chinese government is forced to accept Japanese advisors Japan is able to keep Shantung 1905-1910 Japan’s control of Korea is achieved
What led to the Rise of Fascism in Japan? Internal Reasons Military Take-over of Japan In 1930, the military brought down the Hamaguchi government by shooting the PM In May 1932, the new PM, Inukai, was killed for criticising the actions of the Japanese Army in Manchuria Succeeding PMs felt pressurised to support the Kwantung Army in Manchuria or were already strong supporters of the military After 1932, after the Manchurian Incident, the Japanese government began to follow the aims of the Army
What led to the Failure of the Democratic Government in Japan? “Unhappiness with the former Allied Powers was the most important reason that led to the rise of fascism in Japan.” How far do you agree with this statement? Explain your answer. (13m) Step 1: You can start by saying that “Unhappiness with the former Allied Powers was a reason for the rise of fascism in Japan” BUT there are other factors as well (e.g. See Slide 23) Explain how unhappiness with the former Allied Powers was led to the rise of fascism in Japan.” Remember to EXPLAIN HOW IT HAPPENED and NOT WHAT IT IS…) Step 2: Explain 2 OTHER FACTORS (Aqmal ~ 2 more factors…not ONE…) Step 3: Weigh your answer. How important was unhappiness with the former Allied Powers responsible for the rise of fascism in Japan AS COMPARED TO the 2 OTHER FACTORS?
What led to the Rise of Fascism in Japan? External Reasons American expansion in the Asia-Pacific region threatened Japanese plans to control the area Paris Peace Conference 1919 Washington Naval Conference 1921-22 London Disarmament Conference 1930 Immigration Laws in the USA in the mid 1930s Resurgence of Chinese Nationalism Internal Reasons The Showa Restoration Patriotic Societies Military’s great influence over the government Military take-over of Japan