Day 53 English 10 You need your Springboard book today.


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Presentation transcript:

Day 53 English 10 You need your Springboard book today.

Mystery Shauna was killed one Sunday morning. The police know who they are going to arrest from this bit of information:  April was getting the mail  Alyssa was doing laundry  Reggie was cooking  Mark was planting in the garden Who killed Shauna and how did the police know who to arrest?

Homework Check After Reading: Complete the chart on page 269

1. The Oompa Loompas are similar to the ________ in Antigone because: Video

Objectives:  Analyze how a minor character can serve as a foil to a major character.  Create a working outline for an essay analyzing a character foil.  Analyze choral odes for purpose, literary elements, and theme  Present well-reasoned ideas supported with text evidence in discussion groups.

Quiz! Prologue-scene ii

Before Reading (pg. 278) How is each character different from Creon? Which is the strongest foil?

Scene iii Pgs. 278 Characters: ◦ Choragos ◦ Haimon ◦ Creon ◦ Chorus Use two highlighters. 1. Highlight evidence of Haemon’s character as it is revealed through his words/actions. 2. Highlight Creon’s character traits as revealed.

After Reading (pg ) Write a thesis statement about how Haemon acts as a foil for Creon. Which of Creon’s traits are highlighted in this scene? Fill in the outline on pg. 284 to organize your ideas to support this statement. Include topic sentences, multiple pieces of evidence, and commentary to support.

Recap Scene 3 Creon says that ___________ is the greatest evil that society faces. What does this say about Creon? “Then she must die. But her death with cause another.” ◦ Haimon means that ___________ will die ◦ Creon thinks that Haimon means he will kill ___________

Choral Odes Review the purpose of odes: sets the mood summarizes the action represents a point of view sides with various characters warns of disaster introduces or elaborates on thematic ideas

During Reading In this section of the play, the power of love (Eros) is juxtaposed against Antigone’s impending death. As you read the following passage, mark the text for the literary elements below and annotate in the margins with inferences exploring the ancient Greeks' beliefs about love and death: diction allusions figurative language

Scene 4 ( ) ◦ Choragus ◦ Antigone ◦ Chorus ◦ Creon After Reading: Fill in the chart on pg. 291 regarding each ode so far.

Discuss After Reading What attitudes and ideas about love and death are conveyed in this scene? How are these ideas similar or different to your culture’s attitude toward love or death? How do the different characters and their interactions help develop themes related to love and death?

Complete Study Guide Scene iii-iv