BTLEW Lesson 14—How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem? Part Two ENTER.


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Presentation transcript:

BTLEW Lesson 14—How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem? Part Two ENTER

BTLEW Lesson 14—How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem? I.AuthorAuthor II.Drugs: The Hidden Danger to YouthDrugs: The Hidden Danger to Youth III.Themes of International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit TraffickingThemes of International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking Background Information

BTLEW Lesson 14—How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem? Gore Vidal (1925-) is a prolific American novelist, playwright and essayist; one of the greatest stylists of contemporary American prose. I.Author To be continued on the next page.

BTLEW Lesson 14—How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem? Clarence Page: Pulitzer Prize winner; columnist and member of the editorial board at the Chicago Tribune since Twice a week, he addresses, with passion and style, the social, economic and political issues affecting people in the United States such as crime, education, housing, hunger and bigotry. I.Author To be continued on the next page.

BTLEW Lesson 14—How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem? Charles Krauthammer: After graduating from Canada’s McGill University, Charles studied political theory at Oxford and then went to Harvard Medical School. Trained as a neurologist and psychiatrist, he returned to political analysis, first as a senior editor at the New Republic and then as a syndicated columnist. A collection of his essays has been published, and he has won a Pulitzer Prize for commentary. The excerpt here is taken from an article he published in I.Author The end of Author.

BTLEW Lesson 14—How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem? Today, young people using "ecstasy tablets" semi- openly at parties is not a rare scene in some cities. Among officially registered drug addicts, 70 per cent are under the age of 35. And the types of drugs they use are becoming more and more diverse. Many factors are involved such as teaching in schools, the role of neighborhood committees and non-government organizations (NGOs), mental health support, family environment and media influence. II. Drugs: The Hidden Danger to Youth To be continued on the next page.

BTLEW Lesson 14—How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem? To be continued on the next page. The world needs a well-considered practical approach and coordinated efforts to make headway. The reality today is that in many places, young people have very limited access to knowledge about drugs although drug abuse and trafficking are spreading in these areas. In large cities and relatively rich areas, many of the attempts we have seen so far, mainly represented by lectures or posters and short-term campaigns, are superficial. II. Drugs: The Hidden Danger to Youth

BTLEW Lesson 14—How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem? To be continued on the next page. What has been done is far from being enough to equip young people with a comprehensive knowledge about drugs and to make them understand the dire consequences of using drugs. It is true that schools, community organizations and NGOs have their respective difficulties in doing more to fight the war on drugs. II. Drugs: The Hidden Danger to Youth

BTLEW Lesson 14—How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem? The end of Drugs: The Hidden Danger to Youth. It is the government's duty to find ways to solve these problems. At the same time, parents and teachers should learn to improve their communication skills and provide emotional support for their children or students. Young people should also be encouraged to seek counseling for emotional problems. II. Drugs: The Hidden Danger to Youth

BTLEW Lesson 14—How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem? III. Themes of International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking 26th June every year is the International Day against Drug Abuse and illicit Trafficking ( 国际禁毒日 ) designated by the United Nations. The theme of each year is listed as follows: 1992 : Control of supply and rural development —“ 毒品,全球问题,需要全球解决 ” 1993 : Prevention of drug abuse through education —“ 实施教育,抵制毒品 ” To be continued on the next page.

BTLEW Lesson 14—How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem? To be continued on the next page : Women, drug abuse, and drug control — “ 女性,吸毒,抵制毒品 ” 1995 : International cooperation in drug control : a mid-term review of the UN Decade against Drug Abuse — “ 国际合作禁毒:联合国 90 年代中禁毒回顾 ” III. Themes of International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

BTLEW Lesson 14—How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem? To be continued on the next page : The social and economic consequences of drug abuse and illicit trafficking — “ 滥用毒品与非法贩运带来的社会和经济后果 ” 1997 : Mobilizing communities to prevent drug abuse — “ 让大众远离毒品 ” III. Themes of International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

BTLEW Lesson 14—How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem? To be continued on the next page : Youth uniting to prevent drug abuse — “ 无毒世界我们能做到 ” 1999 : Music against drugs — “ 亲近音乐,远离毒品 ” III. Themes of International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

BTLEW Lesson 14—How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem? To be continued on the next page : Facing reality : denial, corruption and violence — “ 面对现实:拒绝堕落和暴力 ” 2001 : Sports against drugs — “ 体育拒绝毒品 ” 2002 : Substance Abuse and HIV/AIDS — “ 吸毒与艾滋病 ” III. Themes of International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

BTLEW Lesson 14—How Do We Deal with the Drug Problem? The end of Themes of International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking : Let‘s talk about drugs … — “ 让我们讨论毒品问题 ” ; 2004 : "Drugs : treatment works“ — “ 抵制毒品,参与禁毒 ” III. Themes of International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

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