Level34567 Fractions, Decimals and Percentages I can shade in fractions on a diagram that has been divided into the right number of parts. I can use an.


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Presentation transcript:

Level34567 Fractions, Decimals and Percentages I can shade in fractions on a diagram that has been divided into the right number of parts. I can use an equivalent fraction to shade in a given fraction on a diagram. I can cancel down a fraction to its simplest form. I can calculate simple fractions of an amount e.g. ⅜ of 40g I can change fractions to decimals and percentages and order them from biggest to smallest. I understand the equivalence between recurring decimals and fractions. My target level is ________ I am starting the lesson on level _____________________ By the end of this lesson I want to be able to _____________________

Level34567 Percentages I can find 50%. I can recognise the fraction of a shape that has been shaded. I can recognise simple equivalence between fractions, decimals and percentages, e.g. ½ ¼ ¾ I can find simple percentages of an amount, e.g. 25%, 50%, 75%, 10% I can calculate any percentage of an amount. I also know when it is appropriate to use a calculator to calculate percentages of an amount. I can increase and decrease an amount by a percentage. I can calculate the original price when I know the new price and the percentage increase / decrease. I am starting the lesson on level _____________________ By the end of this lesson I want to be able to _____________________

I am starting the lesson on level _____________________ By the end of this lesson I want to be able to _____________________ Level34566/7 Nume racy I can add two digit numbers using a written method I can use a written method to subtract whole number if I don’t need to borrow. I can multiply using a multiplication square. I can divide using a multiplication square. I can add three (or more) digit numbers using a written method. I can use a written method to subtract whole numbers and I can borrow. I can use the grid method to multiply two digit numbers by a single digit number. I can divide using the bus stop method if there are no remainders. I understand the difference between a factor and a multiple. I can square a number and I can find the square root of a number. I can add decimal numbers using the column method. I can subtract decimal numbers. I can use the grid method to multiply two digit numbers by three digit numbers. I can divide using the bus stop method and change a remainder into a decimal. I can order, add, subtract, multiply and divide negative numbers. I understand and can use the order of operations. I can use the grid method to multiply decimal numbers. I can use the chunking method to divide by 2 and 3 digit numbers. I can write a number as a product of its prime factors. I understand indices. I can divide decimal numbers and I can divide by a decimal number

I am starting the lesson on level _____________________ By the end of this lesson I want to be able to _____________________ Level456 Ratio I can describe the relationship between two quantities as a ratio. For example I can write the ratio of black counters to white counters. I can check my results and use the box method to divide into a given ratio. I can identify the necessary information needed to solve a problem and use known mathematical facts to help me solve the problem. I can explain my methods and reasoning using correct mathematical language and notation, both in words and using symbols. I can use prior learning to extend my understanding to tackle more complicated problems. I can use multiplicative methods to share in a given ratio more efficiently.