Italian Fascism Italian Fascism Due to the me fear of a communist revolution during the depression Due to the me fear of a communist revolution during the depression
Rise of Benito Mussolini - nat'list Rise of Benito Mussolini - nat'list Philosophy led to expansion and social programs Philosophy led to expansion and social programs Blackshirts keep control Blackshirts keep control
Aspects of the gov't Aspects of the gov't Traditional role of women Traditional role of women Many of Mussolini's laws were favorable (no persecution, little execution, church intact) Many of Mussolini's laws were favorable (no persecution, little execution, church intact) Internal improvements good for everyday citizen (roads, legal system, local gov't) Internal improvements good for everyday citizen (roads, legal system, local gov't)
Lateran Pact - rectified relationship with papacy Lateran Pact - rectified relationship with papacy In exchange for money, Italy formally recognized by pope and snags land In exchange for money, Italy formally recognized by pope and snags land
Germany Germany
Hitler Hitler After failed Beer Hall Putsch, seems power legally After failed Beer Hall Putsch, seems power legally Elected as a member of National Socialist German Workers' Party (NAZIs) Elected as a member of National Socialist German Workers' Party (NAZIs)
Mein Kampf - written while doin' time Mein Kampf - written while doin' time Outlines need for expansion, hatred of Jews, and the need for a Fürer Outlines need for expansion, hatred of Jews, and the need for a Fürer Best seller! Best seller!
Hitler makes promises to fix the economy, revitalize the economy, and Hitler makes promises to fix the economy, revitalize the economy, and Benefits from youth support and weak Weimar government. Benefits from youth support and weak Weimar government. Hitler gets appointed Chancellor by the President! Hitler gets appointed Chancellor by the President!
Early government Early government Hitler sets up Third Reich Hitler sets up Third Reich Enabling Act - Hitler as dictator Enabling Act - Hitler as dictator Outlaws modern art, burns books, blacklists intellectuals and those in labor movement Outlaws modern art, burns books, blacklists intellectuals and those in labor movement
Hitler youth - becomes mandatory Hitler youth - becomes mandatory Kristallnacht and Nuremberg Laws - persecution Kristallnacht and Nuremberg Laws - persecution SS and propoganda to brainwash people SS and propoganda to brainwash people Goebbels Goebbels
Economic recovery was huge (through public works) Economic recovery was huge (through public works) '36 Olympics = legit '36 Olympics = legit